Search Results for 'R72'

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  • #34525

    In reply to: Crazy Application

    Profile photo of Stix

    Toby – V1.9 has added Aux/Fx send levels and Mix Select to the iLive Midi spec. Have a look at Touch OSC app also for iPhone/touch or iPad if a touch interface would do what you need? If used with a midi translator program it should do what you are wanting. Could also be done in a custom Logic environment as it can translate midi messages to/ from the ilive. Also Midi-ox is a useful midi tool.


    Richard Howey
    Audio Dynamite Ltd
    Dual M-Dante/DVS, 17″MBP/Logic 9/Custom Mackie Control


    In reply to: comp pre eq

    Profile photo of joefi

    Hi Daniel,

    i think the only way is, leave the chanel eq off, use the comp and then route this into an Aux or Group and use the eq

    might work …

    kr joe

    iDR32 & IPad1 & R72 & DANTE
    *** less is more ***

    Profile photo of Doug-Ring

    I’m trying to control an iDR32 rack and R72 surface with a Dell laptop.

    I’m having limited success – the Editor software will work if I connect a short link to the rack in the control room, but if I then try to use the laptop in the hall via a Cat 6 patch panel the software won’t connect.

    The cable run is 30 metres with two connections in it, and the laptop says the connection is good – I can even Ping the rack. This worked before, but it’s the first time I’ve tried it since installing firmware version 1.91, so I’m wondering if the firmware might be the problem.

    Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.


    Profile photo of Lieven-Dewispelaere

    Hi, mine broke recently , socket B1(input 9), the same problem, at some positions strong signal.
    i swapped the input card wit the E card. so now channel 41 isn’t working but i don’t use it.


    Save a tree, eat a beaver

    Profile photo of frozenwaffles

    We had one of our just arrived!
    Great little mixer…
    firmware version 1.01 has just been released….bug fixes only.
    One thing it needs is groups! Groups groups groups!

    Jeremy Koch
    Innovative Production Services –

    Current stock:
    2x T112, 1x T80, 2x R72, 2x iDR-48, 3x iDR-16, 2x xDR-16
    4x Dante Cards, 3x ACE Cards

    Profile photo of Stix


    Originally posted by davidgiga

    For the last several weeks I tried to reverse engineer the ACE network protocol in order to write an remote app for Android / WP8 but it’s way more complex than I originaly thought (especially cause I don’t have access to an iLive system)

    Why can’t A&H just release a protocol documentation like Behringer did?

    What you are really asking for here is for A&H to directly (and fully) support OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol and I think that would be an interesting and potentially progressive move for them. With the iLive mixracks A&H have one of the best hardware setups ready and waiting for custom control capability. Although we can already use TCP/IP and Midi for control (these documents are available for download) these formats are severely limited in what can be achieved due to the limited control parameters supported. Of course we have Editor for total control and that is great (and free!) but offers virtually no end user customisation.
    Take this for example: Imagine if the iLive had complete OSC support – and you have a job/client that needs one operator (or device) to have access and control of say 4 monitor sends including channel processing but no FOH control, and no access to head amps. This can’t be done with either Editor, Mixpad, Onemix, or a surface yet it would be relatively easy to design a custom OSC layout that could work on almost any preferred platform including Android! TouchOSC would be one app that comes to mind that could provide custom touchscreen control.


    Richard Howey
    Audio Dynamite Ltd
    Dual M-Dante/DVS, 17″MBP/Logic 9/Custom Mackie Control

    Profile photo of Lieven-Dewispelaere

    Hi , Willy
    Do you use a UPS with the GLD? Digital desk are sensitive for power spikes and sag.
    I recommend using one. Don’t know if in your case that is the problem but i would do it anyway.


    Save a tree, eat a beaver

    Profile photo of Lieven-Dewispelaere

    HI, i had the same thing. at boot-up white screen. I found out that is was the backup battery.
    Should indeed last 10 years. but my problem is that i don’t use the surface that often. not as a PC that is on all the time.
    When the surface is off the BIOS backup is using the battery . When the surface is on the BIOS backup system use the normal power and don’t use the backup battery, at least not that much. That explains why the backup battery went dead after 3 years.
    I replaced it an had no problem since. i installed two leads with a holder so i could replace it easier the next time because the standard battery is solderd on to the touchscreen PC

    after replacing the battery there are some specific setting you need to change in the bios. you have to connect a mouse and keyboard and at startup go into BIOS an change screen resolution setting. i think 600*800 but it is stated in another post.

    if you have good soldering skills you can do it yourself. or let someone do it.
    It is al lot less expensive ( 7 euro for holder and battery) than a new touchscreen pc [:)]


    Save a tree, eat a beaver


    In reply to: oh wow..another issue

    Profile photo of tendersound

    I did a factory reset on all network connections. Also re installed the firmware v1.9 on the mix rack. Things are back to normal. For now. A t112 would be awesome but takes to much space. I can do much with the r72 in such a small space.

    Would running about 150ft of ethernet with slack from that coiled next to the mixer and also next to a 100ft run of ac make a differnce? I hope not. I’m using reccomended cat6 horizon cable. Might be cat5 not sure. It was all bought used from a trusted source must be broke!


    In reply to: Gated FX input

    Profile photo of Riku-Ylinen

    Yes, I would definitely like to gate the INPUT of the effect.

    Seems like there are no gates on any Aux, Grp, Mtx etc.
    I guess I have to take the FX feeding signal outside the rack and bring it back to an input CH to get the processing needed. Dull…

    Riku Ylinen

    Profile photo of woutert

    Waw, nice! Very nice!

    The usual questions of course…

    • is a version for PC foreseen to appear?
    • will the iLive MIDI implementation be completed to allow all parameters to be controlled via MIDI?

    IDR32, R72, Dante, Mixpad
    laptop, TP-Link TL-WR1043ND


    In reply to: Gated FX input

    Profile photo of Lieven-Dewispelaere

    In the FX section there is DFX (dynamic FX shaper ) There you can gate/duck that effect.
    The only thing is that its after the FX and not at the input.( i presume)
    Still may be useful for what you ‘r trying to accomplice
    Or you could send the inputs to a group an then gate that group and send it to the FX


    Save a tree, eat a beaver

    Profile photo of Lieven-Dewispelaere

    Network problem/glitch ?


    Save a tree, eat a beaver

    Profile photo of clarocque

    Me too.. need to get back to shop to test…

    Maybe someone from A&H can speak up…


    T112, T80, R72, iDR48 (2), iDR16 all w/M-DANTE, PL10, MixPads, Editor
    MacBook Pro, Mac Mini,PC
    Lion/Logic Pro/PT10/Reaper
    All latest versions/firmware

    Profile photo of clarocque

    That doing that will show the pre-level… is it in the manual?

    T112, T80, R72, iDR48 (2), iDR16 all w/M-DANTE, PL10, MixPads, Editor
    MacBook Pro, Mac Mini,PC
    Lion/Logic Pro/PT10/Reaper
    All latest versions/firmware

Viewing 15 results - 106 through 120 (of 1,135 total)