Gated FX input

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  • #23854
    Profile photo of Riku-YlinenRiku-Ylinen

    What would be the best way to gate FX send internally? Or are there any possibilities at all?

    Profile photo of Lieven-DewispelaereLieven-Dewispelaere

    In the FX section there is DFX (dynamic FX shaper ) There you can gate/duck that effect.
    The only thing is that its after the FX and not at the input.( i presume)
    Still may be useful for what you ‘r trying to accomplice
    Or you could send the inputs to a group an then gate that group and send it to the FX


    Save a tree, eat a beaver

    Profile photo of Riku-YlinenRiku-Ylinen

    Yes, I would definitely like to gate the INPUT of the effect.

    Seems like there are no gates on any Aux, Grp, Mtx etc.
    I guess I have to take the FX feeding signal outside the rack and bring it back to an input CH to get the processing needed. Dull…

    Riku Ylinen

    Profile photo of AlbinAlbin

    Why not double the Channel you want to gate and route this ONLY in the FX with the Gate setting as required?
    No big deal, i guess.

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