View Pre-Amp level or clip when in trim mode

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    Profile photo of clarocqueclarocque

    Does anyone know how I can view the preamp level on the surface when the surface is in trim mode?

    Here is the scenario…

    When using a digital split, if the pre-amp is clipping and the console is in trim mode it shows the trim level in the meters not the clipping preamp level. So the clip will not show (if the trim has been lowered). I would like to be able to see both the preamp gain level meter as well as the trim level.

    I suspect one option would be to set up another editor and connect to the mix rack and leave in gain mode. But I would like to be able to do this on the surface with out having to switch back to gain mode.

    Am I missing something obvious here?

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    Profile photo of SylvesterSylvester

    One method would be to save a scene when you are in trim/gain mode, edit the scene to only contain the trim/gain information per channel, and recall that via a soft-button. You would end up with 2 scenes only containing information about whether your channels are in gain or trim mode, together with a soft-button deifintion with a recall for the other scene.

    Profile photo of clarocqueclarocque

    Thanks – that might be option, will have to test when I get in shop because the scene in editor does not seem to be storing the gain/trim setting.

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    Profile photo of clarocqueclarocque

    OK neither of those are valid options…

    My editor idea will not work as I the trim and pre both follow the same metering in the mix rack.

    And it appears that the gain/trim will not save on scenes.

    T112, T80, R72, iDR48 (2), iDR16 all w/M-DANTE, PL10, MixPads, Editor
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    Profile photo of Leon BigEars A&HLeon BigEars A&H

    The channel meter, and the meter on the preamp page are is always in the digital signal path (and thus affected by trim) whether you opt for ‘show preamp’ or ‘show trim’ on surface. That choice is simply for what the channel strip pot is connected to.

    Leon A&H UK. Please do not adjust your set; normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!

    Profile photo of clarocqueclarocque

    Thanks Leon…

    I wonder if that could be a firmware update… be nice to have an option to see the actual preamp level when in trim mode. When running – setting trim back to 0db is not really an option if you need to catch the pre amp signal before trim adjustments.

    T112, T80, R72, iDR48 (2), iDR16 all w/M-DANTE, PL10, MixPads, Editor
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    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I too have found the lack of a dedicated meter for the Socket Preamp to be troublesome. Our GLD is used by several different worship teams and I have discovered more than once the Socket Preamp overdriven/ distorting with NO Peaking being indicated by the digital Trim meter.

    I have found the only way to observe both the Socket Preamp and Digital trim metering is as follows:
    On the Processing screen select the “Preamp” tab
    Select “Preamp On Surface” option
    Press and hold the green SEL button on the Preamp Channel Strip (located near the Preamp encoder, upper left side of console). The LED Main/PAFL meter will indicate the (Analog) Preamp level and the LCD meter in the “Trim” section of the Preamp page will indicate the (Digital) trimmed level.

    Leon BigEars,
    Perhaps with the next Firmware update, an LCD meter could be added to the Socket Preamp section of the Preamp page indicating the (Analog) Socket Preamp level.

    Profile photo of clarocqueclarocque

    Thanks I will see if the same works on iLive…

    How did you find this?

    T112, T80, R72, iDR48 (2), iDR16 all w/M-DANTE, PL10, MixPads, Editor
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    Profile photo of Anonymous

    How did I find what?

    Profile photo of clarocqueclarocque

    That doing that will show the pre-level… is it in the manual?

    T112, T80, R72, iDR48 (2), iDR16 all w/M-DANTE, PL10, MixPads, Editor
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    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Attended an Allen&Heath sponsored training seminar for the DLG console before purchasing, where we were told the SEL button allows the user to listen/monitor the signal at the SELected point in the signal chain. When I was trying to determine the source of the distortion I pressed the Preamp SEL button and discovered the LED PAFL meters were peaking severely while the LCD digital trim meter showed no such condition. Very disappointing!
    Hope this translates to the iLive.

    Profile photo of clarocqueclarocque

    Me too.. need to get back to shop to test…

    Maybe someone from A&H can speak up…


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