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  • #45249
    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Open the library tab while in an empty rack and load whatever effect you like! There is just no preselected FX, but there are a lot of really good ones already in the library!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Awesome to read about you guys! I’m ptobably one of the youngest here! Just turned 28 a couple of days ago and I’m from Switzerland! Started to tweak the sound of my own band at the rehearsal and on stage, after failing to be a good musician I decided to stay at the FoH, that was now 5years ago! After some Behringer products my first real Mixer was a GL2400-32 with a big outboard rack. Loved the Quality of A&H and after a shootout against Soundcraft Si Performer 2 and Yamaha LS9, I decided for a GLD-80 and don’t regret it at all! It’s such an amazing desk! I sold now my GL2400 and bought me as well a Qu-16 for small events. Founded 1year ago my own rental company and doing mostly live-sound for bands!
    I’m really A&H addicted, checking out this forum nearly every day and I want to figure out all the possibilities of these Mixers! I think there is more than you will find in the manual 🙂

    Actually I’m on a Worldtravel and looking forward to meet a lot of other people using A&H desks! I mainly checking out a lot of music festivals! In a couple of days I will be in Australia and join the Soundwavefestival where I will see Of Mice and Men with the GLD-80 at FoH! (Excited!)
    Maybe I visit dhak in NZ as well for shaking hand!? 😉

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Send it in! There’s no other possibility if Hard-Reset doesn’t work!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Hey @audioplusab
    Yes this works with ME-1!
    Great product!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Well John-S that’s how it works! Developement is expensive and needs to be paid by the sells. I bought my GLD-80 as well a long time ago and even the price now is way cheaper.. The GLD was the money more than worth! It is such a great desk and I wouldn’t want to wait 2more years before I get it cheaper! Every profuct ob the market get’s cheaper after a while and competition with other manufacturer can be a reason for another price drop!
    I get myself an AB168 and a Dante Card now even there might be another price drop in a half a year – i think the money is it worth it!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Hey Mark, when I talked to Nicolas on the Musikmesse 2014, he told me that iLive and GLD doesn’t use the same software platform, so it’s not that easy to add it to iLive! However, I wish for all the iLive user that you get as well some addons!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Ou yeah and of course how your meassurement mic is calibrated! So at least 3 sources where misstakes can happen!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Ok.. It’s better than nothing 🙂 just sometimes you can missunderstand a RTA especially for narrow frequency obligeration at the meassure point due speaker crossover! You might think you need to raise the GEQ band but nothing happens and your phase alignment is gonna be way more worse!

    A pure tone should only affect one band – but!!!:
    You can generate a pure tone in the mixer yes, but how your speaker and the room you are in gonna reflect it – that’s what the tone finally is – and believe me that will not be exactly one narrow band!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Safest solution is using 2 standard XLR cable (xlr-female to xlr-male) connect the Main Outputs of the eleven-rack with 2inputs of the Qu-16 and link these inputs on the qu-16 together! Check your gain structure (PFL the input channel on Qu-16 and set them to a good level between green and orange LED!) if it is too loud reduce volume on your eleven rack!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    The decreasinh volume points to a compressor! Check if you have a compressor with high attack-time set up in your Software if not in the qu-mixer!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    For tuning a room you shouldn’t use a 31band RTA! FFT analyzer is the tool to use! iOS app “Audiotools” has a quite good FFT analyzer but for professionell use you should consider a professional tool (software as well as meassurment-microphone!)

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    We will send in our AR2412 as well! Let you know what they find out!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Yes! You can choose between local and Stagebox Outputs! Same for the inputs! Either local or stagebox (choosable per channel!)

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Ou man.. I want to see picture or read a new brochure.. Not only hearing that it is in R&D! Maybe some news at NAMM in January? 😉

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Ou then i miss understood you! If you send the group-signal to the FX engine then it would mute the fx signal as well! If you send the single input channels to the fx unit then the group-mute doesn’t effect the FX sends! (That’s the same like analog! Think analog – with this mixer it’s possible 😉

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