Soft rotaries..

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Dave Dave 1 week, 5 days ago.

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    Profile photo of JohnH

    Just wondering what you guys are doing with your soft rotaries. My SQ5 doesn’t have them, and my new SQ7 is en route, so I’m just exploring options. I’m thinking I might want the top row to be wedge mixes 1 thru 4, and the bottom row to be effect sends 1 thru 4, but I probably won’t really know until I get the desk out on a show.

    Profile photo of nottooloud

    On my SQ6, I have plate reverb time, hall reverb time, delay time, and delay regen amount.

    Profile photo of Simon2


    (disclaimer: We are new to the console, so i don’t know, how long this idea will last)

    We are using the rotaries for some inputs/signals that doesn’t need processing: ST1, ST2, ST3, USB. (Control Type ‘Main Level Fader’)

    * ST1 -> from our projection PC (routed to L/R)
    * ST2 -> from our external streaming sound processor (Only for PAFL; Button switches PAFL )
    * ST3 -> from any connectect iPhone et. al.
    * USB -> from our streaming & multitracking PC

    What’s a little bit odd: You can define the key under the rotary as ‘Unassigned’, ‘Mute’ or ‘PAFL’ but NOT ‘Sel’ – So IF you want to see the processing you still have to browse through your layers…
    It would be a nice addition.

    (also it’s unfortunate, that you can’t show the processing of a channel that’s not in your active layer)

    Profile photo of Dave

    Yep, just like Mr. NotTooLoud, I have reverb times of reverbs 1 to 4 on soft rotaries.

    The little readout by the rotary shows me the reverb time while I’m adjusting it.
    And, if I don’t save the new setting, the old setting stays with the scene, so it foes back to my defaults.

    I would love to have predelay settings for those reverbs on other rotaries, but I don’t think that is possible.
    If anyone knows different, let me know.

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