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  • #48236
    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Yes dhak 2 AR2412 into one GLD! (And not through the extender port onthedesk!)

    Where did you read about the 40channel limitation? Network should be able to proceed more than this I guess

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Wise words dhak! I was one of the first customer in Switzerland that bought a Qu-16! After half a year there was a price drop, however in this half a year I was using the Qu-16 so many times that I already gained the ROI!
    I’m sure A&H knows what thei’re doing and I love all of their products so far!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Softkeys assignment is safed with the scene! Set the softkey in the global recall safe settings to “safe”!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Hey gilly! Well I think the “stabdard way” (if it exists) is to setup a good gain structure! So Setup Gain first to suit the needs of the specific mic (condenser not as hot as dynamic mics) the channel EQ should be used first to correct the difference caused by the used mic and then for smoothening it to the mix! For Most instruments it might be ok to use the same EQ settins for monitors as for FoH! In case of lead vocs and some
    Special occasions a channel-split would be helpful!
    However.. If the monitors and the main PA is as good as possible EQed (flat) then you shouldn’t face too much feedback problems!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Yeah you can copy your MIX Settings to another mono mix, but it’s not made for live situation! Better use it mono! The Qu-16 isn’t made for more than 3 stereo mixes! In qu-24 you could hse group-outs! Unfortunately not possible with Qu-16

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    You can’t link the mono outputs to a stereo – sorry!
    Can you run the FoH Mono? If so you could use MIX1 as FoH and Main Mix for the 4th Stereo inEar!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Hey Mark, there will be soon some great news about the iLive! I’ve heard something from a reliable source! I’m not able to say more than I know… But just wait a few weeks… 😉

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    @bob, even it copies the Gain as well, that doesn’t matter because when you turn on Phantom you need to adjust the gain anyway!

    I think this softkey option would be more a difficult feature due no one really knows how it should work without reading the manual!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Error message shows an USB error.. Whatever that means! Open a support ticket! A&H may help you and improve everyones product/software!
    What USB did you plug in and did you use stereo-recording or something else that needs to read/write from usb-port while it freezed?

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    With the big amount of softkeys now on the qu-pac there should be a good firmware update for fastacess to the needed processing pages! Like one softkey to reach the 31Band EQ of MIX2 for example! Or to popup FX engine 4, or recalling scene 4 (no matter in what scene you are at the moment!)

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    That’s not true with a GLD or Qu! Due the processing is in the console – there can’t be any more sound passing after you switch either the Rack or the console off!
    On an iLive is it different! There’s the processing all done in the rack – so turning off the console does only mean to turn off the “remote control”! Sound keeps passing!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    It’s asymetrical mounted to leave space for the connection! But it’s rather made for on-stage without case!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    That sounds like a nice challenge! Mostly scene-changes are all about FX! Think about your scene-safes first! What does really change between songs? I would say it’s the FX most and not really fader-level or EQ changes as long as not an instrument is changed!
    Try to make it simple! Less misstakes will happen and as more you use it as better you know what you can integrate in a scene!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    Could it be a too
    Small Buffer size? I had this problems with another setup a few years ago! I had to set a higher latency from the audio driver! Can’t tell you if this is possible with the asio driver!

    Profile photo of eotsskleet

    It works great for me! I love the ability to swipe right to get the fader smoother! I think there are more problems if the faders are too easy to push! Accidently! Also PEQ wirks great for me! For the GEQ i wish to have a button to reset single Frequencies! If I ring out monitors it would be nice to be able to set those frequencies back to 0!

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