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  • #94503
    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H


    To stop this from happening you should update to the latest firmware version (V1.5), but this issue was fixed in V1.4.4 and I can confirm it was a bug found in the firmware.

    If you have a back up of your scenes or show, you can reload them and it should solve the problem.


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi Arretx,

    With CC Translator selected on the DAW Control Driver, you should see CC Translator Inputs and CC Translator Outputs as MIDI ports available in Ableton.

    If you want to control the input channel faders on your Qu from Ableton, you need to select the CC Translator Inputs port as the destination for your MIDI fader in Ableton.

    The MIDI from Ableton should match the MIDI Channel set on the desk (N), not the DAW Control MIDI Channel (N+1).

    Could you post screen shots of how you have the DAW Control Driver set up and an example of your set up in Ableton?


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi Arretx,

    It’s possible you were using the CC Translator option in the DAW Control driver for this. As this allows control of any of the input and output channel faders using simple CC messages.

    You can find information on this here:


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi Chris,

    Have you tried reformatting the USB drive?


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H


    I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your SQ.

    This sounds like a known issue in the latest firmware version and our developers are working on a fix for this at the moment.

    It’s caused by using both the RTA on PEQ and the SQ-Drive at the same time, so if you stop using one of these it will avoid the freeze until new firmware is available.

    If you do experience the freeze again, this affects the video of the screen only and all control is still operational. You could connect an instance of SQ-MixPad as well so you can finish the show.


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi jBam,

    Sending a ‘Get System State’ would return the entire state of the desk in one big MIDI data dump. This may work for your application, as you can look for a specific part of the NRPN message:

    B0 63 20 – The channel
    B0 62 13 – The parameter

    Then look for the next message and get the value.

    So although there’s no specific get state message for a parameter, you could extract the information needed from the get system state message.

    I did this with my Ctrlr panel but never got it to work perfectly on the panel side:


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi JoeKeys,

    If you change to a different ST channel, do you get the same behaviour?


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi Nemydom,

    No, it’s absolutely not normal and we would never expect this on a new purchase.

    Please could you send this in a ticket at with your place of purchase details?


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi Matthew,

    What firmware version were you using?

    Have you contacted support already (


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi Alexander,

    I’ve had a chat with Keith about this and he’s suggested that when you combine the MSB and LSB you may need to swap them round:

    So instead of combined: 1001 0011 0101 1001

    Try instead combined: 0101 1001 1001 0011

    This gives a value of -38.43dB. Is that closer?

    Also, the minimum value the meters should display is -110dB, so hopefully swapping the MSB and LSB solves that too.


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    The editing is strong with this one.

    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi Jes89,

    This may be the same behaviour as this post:

    As Keith said in that post:

    Hi all,

    Thank you to those of you who contacted us with details about this bug.

    It does look scary, but only affects the output (display) of the touchscreen.
    The audio, surface control and remote apps (SQ-MixPad and SQ4You) will all continue to function correctly.
    The touchscreen still even works for touch.

    We have now managed to reproduce it, and are currently working to get a fix out to you as soon as possible.

    Thank you for bearing with us on this one!


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi jdstroy,

    The Qu series is class compliant for Mac systems, so although we don’t assume the Qu works with every new Mac OS, there shouldn’t be any major change in a new Mac OS that would require a firmware update on the Qu. We test every new OS release before supporting it to make sure it is working correctly and in the case of Catalina, the tests were completed successfully and support for this was confirmed.

    Similarly with DAW Control, a new version of the driver is not anticipated for it to be supported on Mac OS Catalina, but we are fully testing it nonetheless to ensure this is the case. This means testing all aspects of the driver, including functionality for GLD and ZED R16 (which are both now discontinued). There will be a new version of the driver in the near future to add support for Avantis, so it’s possible support for Catalina will coincide with a new driver release – even though a new driver may not be required for Catalina support.

    If you’re having trouble with Catalina for audio streaming, please go to for assistance via a support ticket.


    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    For anyone that’s wants to see what the panel looks like, here’s a screen grab.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi Bob,

    The error counter will increase by 1 each time a packet of data is missing. This may result in loss of audio or an audible artefact in the recording, but may also not be noticeable. The missing packet happens when the Qu-Drive writes the information unsuccessfully on the USB drive and is a sign of compatibility issues with the USB drive.

    You may also get a pop-up error which will give you some more information on the error, such as when a file format is not recognised by Qu-Drive when selected for playback.

    Thanks! Alex

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