Buss Level Issue V.2.0

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of drshane drshane 2 days, 16 hours ago.

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  • #123086
    Profile photo of drshane

    Had an issue occur twice now where we have low or no audio going through busses after a power up. S7000 & DM64 hardware.

    First time thought it was because operator loaded wrong show then immediately loaded correct show. Multiple show loads after without issue.

    Second time console was powered up on correct show after virtual soundcheck the day prior. Audio through busses was 10+db below where it should have been. Rebooted console no change. Loaded different show, no audio through busses. Reloaded main show and rebooted issue cleared.

    These were old show files that had been resaved with the new version. Will test next week after resetting the console to see if we can replicate the issue.

    Profile photo of drshane

    So the issue seems to only happen on startup, sometimes there is no audio on busses other times it’s low, we’ve not been able to duplicate any other way. When it happens the only fixes seem to be either load another show and then back to the current show, then power down and back on the mixrack, or reset the mixrack. Leaving the mixrack on and shutting down only the surface seems to resolve the issue for us now…

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