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  • #95813
    Profile photo of Nudgy


    Wow that is something I didn’t know about the reset key and pan rotary! I’ll for sure have to give it a try later this week!

    -Nudgy (adam)

    Profile photo of Nudgy

    You use the pan to pan each channel, not the main mix.

    You can use a stereo matrix to get around this issue.

    Edit: what version are you running? I can pan my LR? I attached a screenshot.


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    I/O Patch -> Outputs -> Mix Out -> (select ME (on the top)) -> Find your group and send it to any of the first 16 channels.

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    yay! I used to use Tracks Live but macOS Catalina broke it; so I went to reaper.


    Profile photo of Nudgy

    Look at the picture I sent.

    Step 1: I/O Patch
    Step 2: Outputs
    Step 3: IP Direct outs (on the left)
    Step 4: USB (on the top)
    Step 5: Patch (this will send a direct output of whatever is going to the input channel)
    Step 6: Routing Tab
    Step 7: There should be a button that says direct out
    Step 8: You can choose the direct out settings and where the source is from

    P.S the board comes with a manual (:

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    Little late to replay,

    but yes, you can do it. I do it. Most switches can do it. BUT very very important. You need to make sure the switch is either 100 megabit (not gigabit). Fountunary a lot of switches allow you to configure each port. We have this This POE Switch and it works great! I was able to go into the configuration and turn the ports in 100 megabits (so the sq can recognize the MEs) and even create a vlan meaning only ports 1-5 can talk to each other and I can use ports 6-8 for anything else and they won’t interfere with each other because nothing else can be plugged into the same network or you will have clicking noises in the sound.


    Profile photo of Nudgy

    oooooooo I like the idea of plugging in the ME-1’s to the broadcast board. We would probably have both boards on our power relay system so we don’t even have to go back there to turn it on! Those Slink cards aren’t that expensive either, the other tech guy keeps making fake fun of me for not getting dante cards haha.

    Thanks, Mfk0815 & Showtime!
    -Adam (Nudgy)

    Profile photo of Nudgy


    I attached some screenshots of what your routing could potentially look like. Notice in the routing tab on the big full-screen picture that (for example) the kick channel has the LR Box not filled in, see how it’s just the outline? That means that channel is NOT getting sent to the mains, but notice that little dot on #12 on the mix sends just below it? That means I am sending it to mix 12 which in my case is Group 1, probably different for you. But if you want your channels to behave as they do on YOUR SQ6, leave those drum channels sent to the mains (I don’t recommend doing that, but I am not you). But if you want it to behave like your SQ7. Make sure all your drums channels are NOT getting sent to the LR mains, only the group is for the drums. But DO make sure you are still sending your drums to that group which sounds like you are. A fast way to toggle a channel to Main LR is to simply unassign those channels from the Main LR by holding the assign key on the left of the mixer and tapping the select button of the desired channels. Make you have the Main LR bus selected when doing this.

    Let me know if that makes sense! It’s 2:30am when writting, haha.

    -Nudgy (Adam)

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    Life Saver!!!!

    Switched port number one on my switch (which plugs into the SQ) to 100 megabits and they all started to talk!!!! Kept hearing some popping though, so I created a VLan between ports 1 thru 5 and that fixed it, must’ve been because my laptop was still plugged into that switch.


    Profile photo of Nudgy

    Thanks Guys!

    I’ll let you know of any updates once our gear arrives and we get it all plugged in!


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