USB player

Forums Forums CQ Forums CQ feature suggestions USB player


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  • #121701
    Profile photo of KJKJ

    I do sound engineering and organize events.
    Certain basic features in the mixer are my bread n butter during the gig.
    9 out of 10 times a client comes up with USB to play a mix tape or something ethnic/custom.

    1. There is no file browser capability in the player
    2. It won’t play basic mp3 format that most ppl come up with
    3. No feature of going into organized folder and play music like just instrumentals or dance numbers.
    4. Missing Simple record and play icons on top of the MAIN LR fader

    I was in a very bad situation on my first event with CQ20T.

    Profile photo of Highflyer1953Highflyer1953

    Even the SQ range do not play MP3, only .WAV, but Avantis does.

    Profile photo of KJKJ

    Can A&H folks talk Abt this?
    This is basic stuff

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    All suggestions made here on the community are prioritised based on demand (comments/upvotes) and the most popular are then discussed and considered for development.
    We will only generally comment if something is definitely impossible or needs clarifying.


    Profile photo of willmodelismewillmodelisme

    Most digital console cannot read mp3.
    My X32 cannot read mp3 either.
    That doesn’t make it unusable.
    The CQ20T is more designed for stage and group than playing client music on USB stick.
    But anyway, for point 1,2 and 3, hook up a laptop in bluetooth or USB or even via phone jack to a pair of CQ input (using DI boxes if range over 10ft is needed).
    For point 4 you can program soft key on the CQ app.

    Profile photo of KJKJ

    Thanks @keith and @willmodelisme for responding.


    I completely understand upvotes and acting on needs of most ppl in this group. Hopefully it gets some traction when major asks are taken care of. Thanks again for responding.


    I know the alternatives! It’s all about features that can help others like me. Ease of use is another aspect of app base control and USB playback features. My use case may assist others as well. Take care!

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