SQ4You can't see mixer

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  • #109249
    Profile photo of BenBen

    Hi all,

    First time posting here, just got my mixer all set up at our church. All of our users have been able to connect to the mixer using SQ4You or Mixpad, and they haven’t had any issues seeing the board’s name on the main screen…. Except for one guy!

    He is properly connected to our Wi-Fi (and has reconnected repeatedly). He has re-installed the app. He has refreshed the list 50 times. He can manually connect using the mixer’s IP address. His phone is a Pixel 6. What gives? Any ideas why the board won’t show up for him?


    Ben Hush
    Church in the Oaks

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Does the app not save the IP address for future connection? Most apps you can put the address in once and then connect in the future without having to enter it again.

    Profile photo of Søren SteinmetzSøren Steinmetz

    Could be his phone has some sort of “secure browse” enabled, and thus forgetting the IP…

    Profile photo of TomTom

    Did he try to disable the mobile data connection?
    Some phones don’t work well in wifi networks without internet access.

    Profile photo of BenBen

    No the app doesn’t save the IP address (no option for that). It is not ideal to connect this way as I am the one who understands how to get the IP and connect, not him.

    And his phone is not operating in any kind of secure mode that I can see. Disabling the mobile data doesn’t make a difference.

    Profile photo of BenBen

    I received a response from Keith I thought I would share here:

    “We’ve just started investigating this and believe it’s related to security changes with the latest android builds (which go out to Pixel’s first) that are preventing the discovery mechanism from automatically finding devices on the network.
    It may require a rebuild of the app against the latest SDK and libraries, which would then mean a complete test cycle to ensure everything else is still functioning correctly.
    This is something unexpected that we’d need to schedule in, so I’m afraid it probably won’t be a change to one line of code and it’s sorted in a few days.

    As it’s just the auto discovery feature that’s affected however, direct/manual connection will work correctly and will be required until we have solution – rebuild or otherwise.”

    Profile photo of JLangeJLange

    Now I know why our Android users started having issues. They will need to enter the IP address for now. Hopefully it won’t be too hard of a fix. Keith and team, thank you for looking into it please keep us posted.
    Thank you,

    Profile photo of RickRick

    My Android tablet has the same issue. It worked fine the first time or two, then stopped connecting or even finding the board. When I type in the board’s default IP, it says it’s outside the device’s IP range.

    Profile photo of yaddamasteryaddamaster

    having the same issue on my Samsung phone running Android 13. How do I find out the ip address of the mixer? Is it the same as pinging the wifi gateway?

    Profile photo of Zenon1823Zenon1823

    Hey All, long time lurker, but finally made an account to most an update that I am also experiencing the same issue with my pixel 6. And can confirm like was shared this is an app development issue due to changes in network security of the latest android builds. Hopefully A&H can push through a update quickly for us as connecting via IP is grossly inconvenient specially for our less tech savvy users. I’ll try and remember to post back when this issue is resolved.


    to find the IP of your console:
    Setup (button) -> network setup (touchscreen)
    Depending on your config you will see 2 IP Address’s. One under “Static Address” and one under “Dynamic Address”
    Use the one not greyed out.

    Profile photo of BenBen

    I can confirm this issue is still ongoing, hopefully the new release is on the horizon…

    Profile photo of TxChurchTxChurch

    Our church has also been awaiting an update on this post. All of our Android users are having issues and not all have an apple device to bring as a replacement.

    I myself have a one plus 8 and have to borrow the main sound system ipad for the first few songs to set my in ear.

    Profile photo of SypieSypie

    This one is still going strong.

    Today I was testing with our SQ6, came back from maintenance yesterday. Together with a new router, all set up well. I know my networking in this way.

    SQ6 has the 1.5.9 firmware.
    My iPhone 8 with SQ4YOU 1.5.1 won’t connect to the console. Not with the IP-address set up manually nor with the autodiscover of the app.
    My iPad mini 3 with SQ4YOU 1.5.0 will connect to the console.

    Both connect to the wireless without any hassle, no further settings have to be made on the router. It’s between console and app, can’t explain differently.

    Profile photo of LanderLander

    August 26 2023. Im still having the issue. “Could not open a connection to the unit” if you guys have the solution please share thank u

    Profile photo of BenBen

    This has started happening to us in a different way than before. Now some users (specifically new users who have never connected before) can’t even connect with the IP address and do not see the board listed.

    When using the IP address, this error:
    Failed to connect. Could not open a connection to the unit.


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