Stop Wedge Output Auto Muting

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Nicola A&H Nicola A&H 7 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #114937
    Profile photo of Stefan

    When I clear PAFL and cue another source in PAFL the Wedge output auto mutes while I understand how this is helpful if you have a Wedge connected.

    I have an control room speaker connected that is used for a cue speaker for an one operator and the IEM for a 2nd operator so they can control there speakers via a IP8 controller.

    Is there a way to disable this function? also I would like to be able to rename the IEM and WEDGE outputs.

    Profile photo of Frosty

    More control over the secondary PAFL’s, including being able to rename the IEM and WEDGE outputs would be good!

    Profile photo of Nicola A&H
    Nicola A&H

    The IEM and Wedge outputs automatically mute depending on the assignments of channels to one or the other. You can change change channel assignments to these outputs in the same way you set channel assignments to other Mix buses: via the Assign and Mix buttons on the Surface, or selecting the IEM/Wedge strip and assigning in the Routing screen.
    If channels are not assigned to either, then no mute will be actioned when pressing PAFL.

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