trouble with level on recall scene

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    Profile photo of Bis-RepetitaBis-Repetita

    Hello, I had a trouble with my scene recall this week-end…again.

    Look, I did all (good) settings for a 1st group of musicians, stored to scene1.
    Then settings for the second group, stored to scene2, a usually.

    The second group on lasts settings play first in the venue, ok.
    But when the next group come, I recall scene1 and booooom : all feedback coming along with at the very first speak of singer. An so on with the drummer when he came and try her kick first while positionning her sits. Why the level is going up crazy like this? Have you heard about this kind of problem?

    3rd time for me in 2 years, very embarrassing as you can imagine.
    -> no safe recall activated, I want to save all parameters.
    -> I did same way, without any problem, 60 times this year. why now?

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Bis-Repetita,

    If you still have the two scenes available, please send them, along with your SHOW folder to and I can take a look at why this happened.


    Profile photo of Bis-RepetitaBis-Repetita

    Hi and thx Alex,

    I did the job by correcting the levels to leave the FOH and the stage playable…but musicians and singers was crying because of the low level I did when I jumped on faders to calm down this mess.
    After I tried to level up again a bit to bring back monitors but it was no perfect.

    I think I finally did a “store” scene again before end of the show.

    Btw, I just sent by email to you. That’s just the 2 last one on my desk
    000  “eko vervins”   who had the recall problem
    and 001 “kaiser vervins” wich work without recall because concert start with this group and no need to recall ,
    with the show named “bis-repetita”.

    Have a good day, Laurent.

    Profile photo of Bis-RepetitaBis-Repetita

    Ok, most probably me while storing scene with a high level gain mic stayed open
    between 2 scenes and forgot to mute.

    How is it possible :
    1st group check, tune FOH and return. 3 vocal mic in front of stage.
    Drummer don’t sing. Line is open, gain is high from a previous stage, plugged into AR2412 but there’s no mic yet.
    2nd group same way BUT the drummer sing. So reduce the gain, plug a mic.
    Now recall 1st group scene and what you have?
    An open mic with high gain from previous scene.

    If it happen 2 times this last 2 years, It only can be me.
    Need more focus sometimes.

    Sorry for this post, delete if you think it’s useless for the community!

    Profile photo of Bis-RepetitaBis-Repetita

    Keep on searching on this recall scene default because I received pictures of this venue
    and we clearly see this high gain mic left opened, stand alone on his K&M foot,
    but WAS NOT plugged.

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