I’ve got a SansAmp Bass Driver inserted on, predictably, the bass channel via a couple sockets in my surface. The socket where it comes back into the board is patched to Ins A return on the relevant channel, but nowhere else. Every time I turn the system on, even if I recall a show, I have to reenable phantom power for that one socket (via the I/O screen since the Ins A screen doesn’t have phantom power buttons). Every other socket — including the TB mic which is also a surface socket — remembers its phantom power status. The only difference I can find is that the socket in question is *only* patched to an insert return.
Is there a secret “remember phantom power settings for sockets that aren’t assigned to an input channel” setting somewhere, or am I just missing something? I didn’t see anything about it in the release notes.
This is with an S5000 hooked up to a DM64 all running FW 2.0 (with a UFX card, if that matters).