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  • #69180
    Profile photo of Ryan

    Anyone got a sample scene file they wouldn’t mind sharing? Maybe with a named channel or two?

    Profile photo of Ryan

    What about a lightning to ethernet adapter? Qu-You shouldn’t care how the phone/tablet is connected to the router.

    Profile photo of Ryan

    Is the SQ able to load saved scenes for the QU, or are their show files incompatible?

    Profile photo of Ryan

    Most of the Qu setting files seem to be a custom format that is different from GLD files.

    Profile photo of Ryan

    Why’s everyone talking about rack mounting as if you can’t rackmount the Qu-Pac or Qu-SB?

    Profile photo of Ryan

    @scruffyd pretty sure the line wrapping is just odd — the no scribble strip comment seems to be a continuation of the previous line, which is referring to the LS9.

    Profile photo of Ryan

    Looks like it is a paid upgrade for those features though. 75% increase of the price of a Qu-16, half-ish the price of a GLD.

    I guess the Qu-16 will remain the budget console, and this will be a step up — a pretty good one too, looks like it has some features that would even be nice on the GLD. Might be some tough choices for people considering the Qu-24/32 that need the extra inputs.

    Profile photo of Ryan

    AR84 and AR168 are just for remote I/O, no processing. With an additional QuPac, you would need a mic splitter, or use the outputs from one unit as inputs to the other one — which probably isn’t what you want to do.

    I’d go with one of the ARs for the remote area (though distance for the Ethernet cable could be a factor to consider), then use one of the stereo mix buses on the Qu for that room. Or matrix, depending on what you need.

    Profile photo of Ryan

    The hard part might be getting the multitrack recording to the device — iOS users would need camera connection kit (I don’t know anyone who owns this…) and there might be adapter hoops Android users must hop through in order to connect the USB drive with the recordings on it to their device, if the tablets even support external USB devices.

    For a desktop editor, that would be much easier.

    Just playing back the audio files without effects/processing at relative volume levels would probably be manageable, if you want accurate EQ, gating, and so on… things become more difficult (to implement) and increase processing power required.

    Profile photo of Ryan

    Windows 10 comes with quite a bit of extra stuff by default. Something like is great if you really want to get away from the bloat of Windows.

    Were you saying that the computer you bought for USB B streaming wasn’t working? What kind of problem were you having?

    Profile photo of Ryan

    Couldn’t an offline editor basically be something similar to the QU-Pad app that just stores all the settings to a file as midi commands, then when connected to the board, you just dump the file to the board? The board doesn’t care how the commands are received, whether live from an app or sequentially from a file.

    There are limitations to what settings can be changed with midi. The Qu-Pad app uses a custom protocol to transfer settings/control the mixer.

    Profile photo of Ryan

    @daubi It isn’t a proper CRC, since the CRC calculated in previous steps isn’t mixed with the CRC for the new byte — the CRC at each step is taken from the lut (256 entries) based on the value looked up for the previous byte (with an xor thrown in for the new byte).

    Profile photo of Ryan

    @daubi I’d need to check the specific way they combine the current crc with the next byte (starting a few bytes after the file start, up until 4 bytes before the file end), but it is roughly the equivalent of crc = lut[byte^(crc&0xFF)] because of their implementation flaw. There might’ve also been a shift in the value used as an index to the lut.

    Profile photo of Ryan

    It’s a messed up CRC, only 256 possible values.

    Yea, a5a5a5 seems to be a section separator. For some reason I always thought of it as marking the end of a section, maybe because I consider the CRC less of a section than the file header. I guess that doesn’t really matter either way.

    Could you upload a few of the files with length 0x6640?

    Profile photo of Ryan

    The QuPad app seems to use a different (custom?) protocol.

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