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  • #105291
    Profile photo of Chris

    Latency is not solely CPU dependent. Hence why “low latency” plugins exist. It’s the amount of processing that takes place, and the algorithms they use that ultimately determines latency. Sure, if you load up a bunch of plugins and overload the CPU, you are sure to have problems but EVERY plugin causes latency. The more plugins loaded, the more latency you will have regardless of CPU power. Would a more powerful CPU decrease latency? It could, but it depends on the plugin/setup. DAWs will typically align each channel based on detected latency and will try to make sure that each channel is output “on time”, but the total output latency will always be dependent on the most latent plugin(s).

    Ultimately it is really hard and somewhat problematic to say specifically that just because a CPU is more powerful that you will have lower latency. Total number of plugins/setup will ultimately determine total latency.

    Profile photo of Chris

    I set my input gain per channels as you said to “0” dB. But there are some channels such as drums and bass that the signals are to hot and I can’t get them to 0db without clipping…

    I’m confused. If you are setting your input gain to 0db, how could you possibly be clipping? It wouldn’t be the preamp clipping as it is set to zero. Is it possible that the post processing you are doing is clipping? Or are you clipping your Amps from your master?

    I personally set my preamps to peak at 0db and have never had any issues with the ME not being able to output appropriate levels. The issues normally come from someone not being able to properly set individual channel levels on the ME, or not being able to balance the master level with wireless IEM levels connected to the ME, or really crappy headphones.

    Profile photo of Chris

    Thanks! I will give the listen button a try. I have to be honest, I have never used it. How do you tell the listen button where in the chain to insert itself? I guess I should read the manual! LOL

    I’m not worried, per se, about Peaking or the metering. I just like to run everything to unity if and when possible. I also have other devices connected downstream that are affected by the preamp gain, so keeping an eye on the input while also maintaining a decent post-processed output I feel is important.

    Profile photo of Chris

    And here I thought Transient just allowed more transients through, and burn made it warmer… LOL thanks for the description Nicola!

    Profile photo of Chris

    Thank you everyone for your responses. I was hoping to not have to put that much work into getting this all setup, but it will be necessary as I am lacking in the help department. At least there is a way and that is all that matters!

    Profile photo of Chris

    I have a similar issue, but not really. I want to be able to pass the Virtual Sound check inputs to the Tie Lines, but apparently that doesn’t work. So it looks like I may have to have a scene and manually remap all of my inputs depending on the situation and bypass Virtual Soundcheck altogether. Sucks because inputs change all the time, so it will be a lot of remapping, but doing that might work for what you are wanting.

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