Hi all
I am trying to work out what would happen in the following use cases with varying system configuration.
Apllication house of worship. Single show file with multiple users for type of event which load default sceans to configure the SQ for the event.
All inputs and outputs are curreny via dante or SQ local.
Setup consists of SQ with dante feeding PCs running DVS for recording and Streaming. We plan to add a QU to act as an i.e.m monitor desk via the SLink port. This desk will only be used on sunday services. At All other events it will be off.
I understand that for sq and qu to work together the sq needs to be clocked to Slink.
But what will happen when QU is off? I.e no clock source. Will SQ revert back to internal or flag an error?
The users will not be qualifed to be able to know to change the clock source and I presume this is global and not scene selectable..
Thoughts please