hi all, I just found out an interesting thing about the virtual soundcheck settings and their behaviour when recalling a show. I am glad I found out at home and not on site. this could be a little brainfucker.
the situation: I recalled a show today and wanted to check everything for upcoming gigs, make little changes, flatten everything out to a good starting point. when I browsed through all the pages, I saw that the sends of my group inserts where marked with a little red x. (I use dante for some group inserts to liveprofessor). that was strange and i tried to send a signal through that route with signal generator. nothing came through. wtf. why the red x-es?
when I checked the IO-Menu I remembered that I had different virtual soundcheck settings in these two scenes. in one I use 1-64 as vsc range in the other only 33-64 because the first 32 are dedicated to the liveprofessor loop.
what happened was that the vsc range settings did not really get recalled while loading the show. only switching from record send to inactive solved the problem and the settings where correct now.
Is this normal behaviour? is vsc setting higher than show-level? is it because when in record-send mode or vsc mode the range is locked, despite a show recall?
any idea is welcome. thanks.
in my mind a show recall should also recall ALL vsc settings. this could lead to scratching heads really hard, particularly when in the field.