Scene Filters should not change after changing mix configuration

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions Scene Filters should not change after changing mix configuration

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    Profile photo of mixJMmixJM

    Scene Filters should not change after changing mix configuration.
    Currently making any change in the Mix Rack configuration (where you decide about the number of stereo / mono busses) changes recall filters for some parameters in all scenes to “allow”.
    For scenes that have recall filters purely for surface illumination or fader layout only, or settings of a one channel only this is a big problem. With shows with dozens of scenes it is necessary to go through all of them and to adjust filters even if you add a matrix in the mixer configuration.

    I think default filter for all new parameters appearing in the Scene Filter after changing the configuration of busses should default to BLOCK, not ALLOW.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    please not…

    Profile photo of WolfgangWolfgang

    I’m also of the opinion that the default value here should be BLOCK. so at least in all scenes that use a recall filter!

    In my case, I have dozens of effect scenes in which I store complete effect settings (for single or multiple FX engines) that are recalled for different music moods and special songs.

    As soon as I change the mix configuration, I have to check the recall filters in all these scenes and often reset them. That’s a lot of work every time.

    After loading version 1.80, I had to do this again in all my shows, because a few new functions were added – and then the filters didn’t fit anymore.
    In this case I can understand it, because here completely new features were added. But when simply adjusting the mix configuration (e.g. adding two aux sends) it’s really annoying to have to adjust the recall filters again. If you forget this in hectic situations, it can cause a lot of trouble when recalling a scene.

    Profile photo of tmdarlantmdarlan

    For the love of God yes. i get nailed with this all the time. if there is a filter in a scene then it should default to blocked.

    Profile photo of mixJMmixJM

    Steffen R – how is it helpful for you when it defaults to ALLOW?

    Profile photo of WolfgangWolfgang

    for the effects i would much rather have a completely separate scene management.

    Profile photo of mixJMmixJM

    I got burned with this once again – this time when bringing my show file from C2500 to S5000.
    My fader layers recalled nicely on the Bank 1 and Bank 3 leaving the middle bank blank. So I decided to put some strips in the middle bank. Then during the show I recalled a “guitar solo” scene which to my surprise cleared the layout of the middle bank.

    There should be a way to avoid this. For now a painstaking going through all scenes and readjusting the filters is the only way to go.

    Please fix this.

    Profile photo of WolfgangWolfgang

    Unfortunately, I have already had these experiences.
    only that not the faderstrips disappeared, but other preamp settings were recalled!
    that happened to me three times at different concerts, i don’t need that again.
    since then i check the recall filters of my effect scenes almost before every gig!

    i have reported this for a long time and hope that there will be a good solution for this problem soon.

    Profile photo of mixJMmixJM

    Where did you report it? Perhaps I will do the same?

    Profile photo of RSRS

    Submit a ticket here

    Profile photo of mixJMmixJM

    I have submitted a ticket regarding this but they said this, even if considered, would not be on top the list of the things to do.
    I’m admiring how this is done in Waves LV1 – recall scope stays the way it was set, regardless the changes in the mix configuration, like on Avid Venue desks.

    Profile photo of WolfgangWolfgang

    That’s one reason why I’ve been thinking about an external solution for the effects for quite some time.
    But then it’s an impractical solution and costs a lot of money again, then it’s added that this investment is not paid for by the customers. That’s why I haven’t implemented it yet.
    So we still have no choice but to check the recall filters before every show start.

    Nevertheless, thank you very much for opening a ticket.

    Profile photo of markhadmanmarkhadman

    This x1000.
    I got bitten by this when I split a stereo channel into two monos. You’d expect both sides of the pair to keep the same settings until changed, right. No, the right side of the pair was now being recalled by EVERY scene change, including all the scenes I’d set up for changing the surface brightness etc – therefore I call this a bug rather than a lacking feature!

    Profile photo of mixJMmixJM

    I burned myself in a few situations:

    1. Brought my show to a bigger console, assigned some additional fader layouts. It’s show time. I fire my first “guitar solo” scene which brings guitar 2dB louder and to the center of panorama. New fader layouts disappear.

    2. Connected DX168 to accommodate some additional input channels. That for some reason caused the channels using DX to set preamp settings to “allow” in scene filters.

    3. Created an additional Matrix for a balcony in a church. The new Matrix is set to “Allow” in all my scenes, so first scene fired resets the Matrix.

    Please A&H, reconsider! 🙂

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    to make it clear, your topic title is a bit misleading…

    filter do not change after mixer reconfiguration
    they stay as they were, the only thing is

      new elements have nothing blocked in the filter

    so the question is, is it good like it is?
    Is there a reason for this?
    Or should the default filter change to block all

    but this is dangerous as well
    then the default is always block everything and that will not recall anything
    and unexperienced users will get confused

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