Block ALL why not Preamps??

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  • #121415
    Profile photo of ioTonioTon

    Dear All,
    In preparation, I have created a show on a DM0 with C1500, which also contains scenes. Almost all parameters were blocked, only mix assignments were needed.

    However, since these scenes were created without DX168, there was no way to switch the preamps to “blocked”.
    This had fatal consequences during the sound check.

    Hence the question: why aren’t all preamps automatically blocked with “Block All”?

    I find this is a bug…


    Profile photo of DaveDave

    AFAICT, everything defaults to “allow”, and the system is pretty eager to apply that default behavior. Drives me up the wall when I switch the guitar channels from “dual mono” to stereo and all of the sudden the scene that switches the surface from FoH mode to monitor mode also turns the guitar off (or sets it to 0 dB).

    I know there’s been at least one thread about this in the suggestions subforum, but I don’t know if A&H is planning on changing anything though.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Please, no change… regarding this.
    There are possible workarounds for offline preparation.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian


    Profile photo of AnaAna

    Yes, this is a pain – I have lost preamp settings after soundcheck forgetting about this issue many times.

    You can assign a DX32 loaded with input cards in director to get around it – BUT – I have found I still have lost the settings from my show file setup in some circumstances. IE – maybe loading the show file without the DX racks connected or something.

    There needs to be an option here to make at least the global safes ALWAYS present and optionable wether or not an expansion rack is present.

    Profile photo of ioTonioTon

    So the workaround is to assign a DX32 with cards?
    Oh no…

    Profile photo of ioTonioTon

    Are there any suggestions from A&H?

    Profile photo of kizza42kizza42

    This has caught me out disastrously a few times. I do all my programming offline, Global Safe everything that I need safe and save the show.

    A few days later, I load the show on an actual desk, sound check my band and then recall a scene that is supposed to just toggle AMM. But for some reason all the filters have been lost and it destroys my entire band setup.
    Who thinks this is a good idea?

    Profile photo of Julian TinaoJulian Tinao

    +1 to this

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