post fader submix and FOH master

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  • #56231
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Let’s say you have a post fader submix. Since turning down the FOH master is essentially turning down each individual channel simultaneously, shouldn’t the submix output follow the FOH master? Yes, each submix channel can be individually set, since you are set to POST FADER, doesn’t that mean the submix will follow the FOH fader? If you want more output and you have a good mix, you would turn up the FOH master and I would think, any post fader submix send would follow as well, right?

    If not, please explain.
    Thank you

    Profile photo of EdiEdi

    What type (AUX, group, matrix) is your submix?
    In the signal chain of the mixer only the matrix is situated behind the main mix fader, so a post fader submix of the mains to the matrix will be influenced by changing the main fader.
    For example a post fader submix to a subgroup will be like a second independent mix of all the assigned channels like the main mix itself. If you would route the channels post fader to the group AND to the main mix at the same time and the group also is assigned to the main mix the result would be 6dB more level on the main meters as the sum is a doubling of the channel signals.

    Hope that helps.

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Basically the aux mix with channel levels set post only follows the individual channels. Not the master.

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    If you want it to behave like that, you could assign one DCA to all of your input channels, and treat that DCA as your master fader. Understand that this won’t work properly if you’re using any kind of bus compression.


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