I figured out how to use 1-18 channels sending audio from the daw to the cq.
ButI cant find out what are the other channels 19-24 for.
What can I do with them?
If I send signals from the daw on that channels seamingly nothing happens.
I cannot make the cq to receive it in any way.
Hello, go to the ‘Channel Assignment’ settings and associate 17/18 with ‘Out 1/2″. In your “DAW” add a track and choose “17/18” as the input channel. Basically everything you send from the mixer to aux “1/2” will arrive on your DAW on the previously associated channel (17/18).
go to “st. inputs / fx” on processing button. click bt, change its source to SD (which is then input 23+24). click usb, it should say inputs sourced from 19/20.