Thank you, Keith!
But if I can allow a filter “Patch” separately and this does nothing, it shouldn’t be said to work as designed.
If the filter can only work in conjunction with the preamp, allowing “Patch” alone should not be possible.
Or the filter should be called “Patch + Preamp”
We had just discussed the topic in detail here in another bug thread (“Gain changes”).
It was about the very simple and completely understandable request of wanting to switch channels between Local and SLink in the same show.
This would actually be possible without any problems with special patch scenes.
Currently, however, the preamplifier settings have to be adopted when patching.
The user therefore has to write down all the settings of his preamps, such as gain and 48V, patch his inputs and then manually set all of his channels to the previously written values.
What prevents a modern digital console from doing what the user has to laboriously do for them?
From my point of view this would then correspond exactly to a separately functioning scene filter “Patch”.
But I’m afraid I’m overlooking something very serious here: although the user can do it by hand, it’s impossible for the console.
Maybe you could shed light on my and our darkness.
Thanks you very much in advance!