Failed SQ Drive Multitrack Recording :(

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  • This topic has 16 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 6 months ago by Profile photo of f6f6.
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    Profile photo of allialli

    Dear Community,

    I’ve just recorded a 22-track multitrack on my SanDisk SSD. Concert about an 1hr length. I’ve used this SSD a lot of times for this purpose without any problems.
    When I’ve tried to stop this Multitrack, it repeatedly charges the “USB Record Load” bar but doesn’t stop the recording at all.
    After 20min I’ve turned off the desk.
    Now I’m not able to play the files on the desk nor on my mac. I can see all 22 Waves-Files but they are 0 Byte in size.

    Does anybody have experience with recovering the “raw audio chunks” from the SSD?
    The recording is really important. Thanks so much for your ideas!

    Best regards, Alex

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    Profile photo of Rafael A&HRafael A&H

    Hello @alli,

    Files might appear corrupted if not concluding the saving process after the recording.
    I noticed that you were having trouble stopping the recording, but shutting down the mixer or removing the USB drive without the finalizing the process can potentially cause this issue.
    We do have an article regarding Recovery of corrupted SQ-Drive recordings, please refer to:

    Please note that the recovery of the files cannot be fully guaranteed, but it can be attempted through the above process.


    Profile photo of ToffeToffe

    Same problem here. Did multitrack recording, checked that everything was running ok – ssd led was blinking . Stoped recording after 1 1/2 hour, it stoped and everything was ok in display. Checked that Ssd led was´nt blinking anymore – ok. Unmounted ssd and checked in computer. Lib was ok but wav files was 0 kb…. Tried “Right click on the device > Select ‘Properties > Tools > Error-checking’ > Click ‘Check'” as instructed in this forum but files are still 0 kb. Please help!

    Profile photo of stikistiki

    I facing same problem. I have tried a lot of various usb disks and usb keys even the ones that are verified an recommended by Allen Heath on their website. From 10 recordings are two with errors in some of tracks at least. That means that some of tracks have 0kb size. Sometime fails 3 tracks sometime 5. Not the same tracks. I have newest firmware as well. Routing and all other setting are correct. So I really don’t know what I am doing wrong. Scan disc is not solution because it do not bring back 0kb tracks back.The fact is, that the mix is not reliably enough not only for me but also not reliable for everyone who wants to make a multitrack records. I will appreciate any suggestions or tips how to solve this problem. Many thanks for understanding. Nice day.

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    There are huge threads on this very forum with detailed troubles recording to SQ Drive. A quick search will pull them up and suggest solutions. The solution that seems most appropriate is to NOT use USB “thumb” or “stick” drives. So, SO many reports of issues. I have switched to an external drive, using both spinning and SSD, all powered with an external supply (wall wart) and have completely ceased to have issues.


    Profile photo of stikistiki

    Thanks for your reply. As I wrote the problem happened also with external SSD recommended and verified by A&H. I tried more than one. That makes me upset. I have never tried the disk with external power supply, because is seems that all modern ssd discs are without external power option. Anyway thanks for your inerest to help.

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    I make up the story (no confirmation from A&H) that however they designed the USB port on top of the panel, they failed to provide enough power to actually run devices attached to it. That’s why I have gone over to drives that specifically have outboard power supplies. In my case, it seems to have solved the problem enough that I no longer have fear about recording multi-track from the desk.

    YMMV of course.


    Profile photo of TobiTobi

    I have a EVO 860 in a USB 3 housing without external Power. No Problem, but those which are coded in the Firmware.

    Profile photo of SQuserSQuser

    > external SSD recommended and verified by A&H.
    But A&H put that into perspective here:

    In the presentation of the SQ you will find a 16GB USB key from “ALLEN&HEATH”:


    It also describes that all channels can be recorded “quickly and easy”.
    I would buy it immediately, but can’t find a source.
    Since I posted it here some time ago and it is still being advertised, I assume that it is legit and not a joke.

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    Profile photo of f6f6

    Hi Tourtelot ! can you share us the reference of your drive that works with SQ ? I’ve tried usb stick and a drive recommended by A&H, but i’ve got also problem with 0ko tracks on memory sticks and others problems on the usb drive… I have to record some concerts in a few week and i would like to make it properly without use my computer… Thanks !!!

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    I use 1TB drives from Other World Computing. I use both spinning drives and SSDs with equal success. You might have to oder the wall wart as a separate purchase; I can’t remember. But they are inexpensive. Here is a link to the SSD.


    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    In my experience, the only reliable answer is to record to a computer via USB or one of the option cards.

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    I agree. I actually made the switch from considering my SQ recordings as “main” and my Reaper recording via Dante as “backup.” I send the Reaper files to my clients and reserve the SQ files “just in case>” So far so good. But I will say, I check the SQ files and they all seem to work using an externally powered drive via the USB port on top of the panel and SQ Drive.


    Profile photo of TobiTobi

    SQ Multitrack recording is sadly not bullet proof… normally it works, but in the moment you really depend on it, it may fail you. I normally use SQ Drive for Virtual Soundchecks and it works like charm, one time when the customer wanted to have the recording and payed for it — that day SQ corrupted the files… :-/

    So for bullet proof recordings my suggestion would be: use Dante or Waves.

    BTW: When using Multitrack on USB Drive in combination with saving show files, there is a bug in SQ which may corrupt show files.

    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    BTW: When using Multitrack on USB Drive in combination with saving show files, there is a bug in SQ which may corrupt show files.

    I hadn’t heard about that. Here’s some discussion, in case anyone else is interested.

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