Multirack Waves on Dlive

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  • #63197
    Profile photo of jfjf

    Hello everyone
    I know that the question has already been raised but for licensing problems …..

    Here’s another way to get around the problem, thanks Midas Pro X …

    If on this console you can switch the screens, using an external input, such as 2 or 3 PCs for a single screen

    The idea is that on an S7000 … we have at least 2 screens, but no external input.
    Dlive is a UBUNTU linux. It would therefore suffice just to be able to use on a screen a process of the type ” remmina Remote Desktop Client” , to control an external PC via the Dlive !! .
    We therefore speak only of control and not calculation in native or soundgrid. So no influence on latency, license….

    And here, for a Multirack in the Dlive ….

    I await your comments A & H

    Profile photo of jfjf

    Oups missing end ,

    Using a virtual desktop on Ubuntu , we could launch this session, and change it via a softkey ..



    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I think it’s not a good idea, the system is not made or this

    why not using a seperate toch screen (computer) for WSG?

    Profile photo of jfjf

    The multirack is well included in my Digico SD8, 10 ( same group as A&H ) , an alternative solution exists for the PRO X of Midas, so why could not we suggest this to A & H on the console of the year 2017 !!

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Digico is using Windows…
    there should be a different way to implement control over WSG server,
    since Linux GUI’s are already networkable
    no RDP needed

    Profile photo of pete.jpete.j


    yes – MultiRack was implemented in SD consoles, but also they where behind the “original” version everytime, because updates to MultiRack (and therefore implementation of new Waves PlugIns) came very seldom. F.e. I missed Sheps Parallel Particles on SD for month, why I stopped using internal MultiRack.

    But what would be clever – and A&H is working on it – that there is a MIDI-Tcp driver (as on Mac) to handle MultiRack scenes.

    Also the SD won’t support “internal” MultiRack anymore, so in future you also have to use an external MR computer there.

    Anyways – with DEEP Processing we slowly get to a point, where MultiRack get’s obsolete – ok, there are some Plugs that still are more interesting on MR, but A&H is getting pretty close with many things!

    At the end there now more shows I do with dLive, where I don’t carry an extra SoundGrid Server than I do with.

    Regards Peter

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