IP8 fader problem

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive troubleshooting IP8 fader problem

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  • #115734
    Profile photo of JS-SoundJS-Sound

    on my IP8 controller one of the faders has an issue.
    It starts moving on its own slowly up or down until end of faderway. This impacts the fader level of the desk.
    I sent it to the recommended german repair center, and got a quote back that covers almost the price of the IP8 (ok, at least the price i payed a few years ago, now its still 2/3rd or the price.
    They said faders are not exchangeable on the IP8.

    Does one of you have experience with that? For 8 faders its a quite expensive board (lets compare it to the price of an SQ5…..), and if I have to throw it away if a fader is not working properly that sounds weird for me.

    Best regards

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