Follow MixPad Mix and Channel Select

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  • #113774
    Profile photo of SQuserSQuser

    Im new here and sorry for my English.
    But Im a happy owner of a SQ-6 with MixPad – a great combination – also during a show e.g. with 15”-Touchscreens (Windows).
    What i miss at most:
    I have in MixPad the options “Follow SQ Mix Select” and “Follow SQ Channel Select”, but I miss the other direction with the 2 options: “Follow MixPad Mix Select” and “Follow MixPad Channel Select”.
    “Mute” and “PAFL” works in both directions, but not “Select”. 🙁
    Its e.g. important because in MixPad i can label the Mix-buttons on the right side, while on the console i have to use a white tape like in old times.

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