Keith, have you and the devs discussed either of @anaesthetised or @Scott suggestions from the “Clock” thread?
Adding an NTP client would be icing on the cake for all the SQs which are already network connected
I understand there is no RTC hardware, but surely on boot or initial sync/connection to a computer, iPad, device running mixpad or TCP/Midi control, heck even the dante or waves network, or lastly NTP from the internet or at least the local router would be amazing and should theoretically be possible. The dev time might not be worth it, I do understand the economics of a decision like this.
Failing that – take a cue from my old Korg synthesiser (which also doesn’t have any real-time clock). In the utilities menu you can enter in a date/time that’s only used for saving files; it even remembers the last entry for next time. While it’s a pain to update it every time I save, it certainly helps with organising files later.
Just the ability to set a constant date [created/modified date (file metadata)] for the file recording & showfile/scene would be marvelous. Even if we did not have RTC.
Still – if you offered a compatible RTC device that could be used to set time via the USB port or installed internally. I’d do it in a heartbeat.
Thanks for listening A&H/Keith, you are a pleasure to work with.
I love installing your consoles!