
This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Scott Scott 4 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #86115
    Profile photo of RCProductions

    I don’t see a clock on the SQ, am I missing it? If it does not have one, adding one to the upper right hand corner of the screen would be great.

    Profile photo of peterlanders

    See here:

    Basically, SQ doesn’t have the necessary realtime clock hardware, so this isn’t possible.

    Profile photo of PaulP

    I was surprised when I learned the SQ can’t tell time. It would be very helpful if the SQ could time stamp save dates of Scenes and USB recordings.

    Profile photo of Smalldevel


    In my opinion itd definetly a bug, that all records have the same time stamp. With the “no rename” option of the SQ its horriblbe to find the rigth files on USB. Even with multitrack records.

    So please give an option to edit the filmename of the recorded audio or bring the rigth timestamp on it. Maybe with the name of the show or scene in front of file number

    Profile photo of anaesthetised

    +1000 for any form of clock functionality.

    I am aware the SQ has no RTC hardware, but that in no way means this can’t be implemented.

    It shouldn’t be too complicated to develop a software process loop which sleep()s for one second then increments an integer containing a standard UNIX timestamp. There would quite likely be some drift without a stable clock source but it would be much, much better than nothing. Adding an NTP client would be icing on the cake for all the SQs which are already network connected, but having to adjust the clock once per startup isn’t really a deal-breaker in many SQ applications. It would be a very small price to pay to be able to see the time in the corner of the touchscreen, and users who don’t care can opt not to use it; I‘d imagine it wouldn’t appear until set.

    Failing that – take a cue from my old Korg synthesiser (which also doesn’t have any real-time clock). In the utilities menu you can enter in a date/time that’s only used for saving files; it even remembers the last entry for next time. While it’s a pain to update it every time I save, it certainly helps with organising files later.

    I would very much welcome the Allen & Heath staff giving this feature some further thought.

    Profile photo of ioTon


    Profile photo of Scott

    This is the number one issue I have with the SQ5, not knowing when I made the recordings. How about something like this: a menu selection on the recording screen that indicates [SetDate]. A window pops up with a keypad and a six digit entry screen that allows you to enter YY MM DD and this date is used as the date for all of the files that are created until the unit is turned off. The screen then should indicate the date. This could be for stereo, multitrack and show files. The time is not that important to me. That could also be a 5th option on the main screen.

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