I am wondering if we go with the ME 500 system for our worship team does using them take away any of the aux’s available on the QU 32? Or is this an entirely separate system?
I hope this makes sense, I’ve seen similar questions but I don’t think I ever saw the answer I was looking for.
ME system takes the signals you route to it and mixes it separetedly together to the output
it is possible to send only chanel signals, but ME500 is limited to 16 stereo or mono signals,
so it makes sense to summ up some channels in the QU and use an stereo aux for it
Ok, I do understand that. But what I’m asking is when using either the ME 1 or ME 500 system, does the console (QU32) still have the access to and the ability to using the 12 Mix outs on the board?
The Short answer is YES. The MEs do not use a console Mix out.
Heck, you could have any number of MEs feeding each player in a symphony orchestra, and still have those other 12 mixouts to feed FOH, wedges, sidefills, whatever.
I personally came to the conclusion that I’d rather pay more for an ME-1 than an Me-500, but that is another discussion.