Additional DEEP plugins from dLive 1.9 (Bus, Source Expanders)

Forums Forums SQ Forums SQ feature suggestions Additional DEEP plugins from dLive 1.9 (Bus, Source Expanders)

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  • #104398
    Profile photo of ScottScott

    +1 for the Expanders.

    Profile photo of Simon CSimon C

    + 1 for the source expander, so much need of it ….

    Profile photo of JDJD

    +1 could use all the DEEP in Dlive 1.9 on SQ

    Profile photo of ShowtimeShowtime

    I think there is something going wrong.

    You buy a piece of gear that suite’s the work you have.

    If an sq has al the functions you need an the correct price, you buy an sq.

    If an sq doesn’t has the tools you need you buy an other piece of gear what has the tools you need, you don’t buy a piece of gear that maybe in the future get the tools your need.

    For small job’s i own one of the first sq5’s for larger jobs i own a dlive.

    That simple it is.

    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    But one question, have you ever installed a newer firmware, either on the SQ or the dLive? and if yes, why? You bought a piece of gear with all the features you needed then and that should be enough now.
    and furthermore, if you have installed the newer firmware, will you use the new features which comes with the new firmware?
    digital consoles are, in opposite to analog consoles, prepared to be enhanced with firmware updates. and even if the decision is made with less features, the wish is valid to get some enhancements of the console. for me I always struggled with the lack of an expander for all A&H digital consoles I use. With the latest feature update of the dLive A&H proved that they also can provide an expander for their products. Ans so the wish pops up to have the same enhancement on the SQ and Avantis.
    That is so simple nowadays.

    Profile photo of EdoardoEdoardo

    The expansion discussion is very simple. In every single high end pop performance the engineers make use of expanders for multiple instruments. They often use external hardware or software, but on some consoles they are ITB (see dLive recently). Saying it’s not needed is incorrect. Saying you might not need it is correct. Still, since the processing power between SQ and dLive changes only in terms of the amount of instances and not the capability of the single DEEP plugin on the single channel I don’t see how this can be discussed this much. If A&H will be able to port their Source Expander or Dual Expander to SQ it will be welcomed by many. Me first.

    Profile photo of tomostomos

    +1 for OptTronik and expander

    Profile photo of HughHugh

    This thread has been a dogmatic format for the inclusion of a source expansion plug in. For well over one year the specific dynamic range alteration required in some of today’s “pop genre” mixing has been made very clear. Perhaps Keith will see fit to let us all know the reason/reasons it was not included in the SQ line and whether of not the SQ’s 36 bus architecture will accommodate it’s addition.

    The fact remains that the SQ5 is sonically a stand alone world class console with an entry level price point. The pragmatical reality that we are dealing with is, it is not a perfect solution for every need! Whether we are petitioning for inclusion of various D-Live enhancements or, in my case, paying for desk performance XLR inputs that I never use: an advanced custom option would be a very good idea to consider when the SQ line does not meet our needs. Consider the universal nature a processing controller loaded with all of the D-Live processing options and priced pursuant to size of the desk (as determined by the number of tactile controls) and plug-in licenses we purchase. The ability to buy only the specific tools you need when you need and can pay for them and to totally separate stage performance I/Os from the controlling desk would meet most of todays SR protocols. IMO this type of universal controlling processor would meet or exceed most all of our custom wants and wishes that the A&H brand does not currently deliver.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    I think it would be great if the expander that is now available on the DLive eventually made it to the SQ series as an optional paid plugin (like the other currently available options). There is nothing wrong with people expressing their desire for this functionality.

    Where this thread has gone off the rails is when people start injecting their personal opinion as fact or making assumptions that because it is/isn’t needed for their situation that it is the same for everyone. Just because you may or may not want the expander to be included, it doesn’t mean your opinions are shared by others. Let’s try to remain civil and understand that there is a wide range of people using the SQ series of consoles in a wide range of environments and musical genre.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    This thread has been a dogmatic format for the inclusion of a source expansion plug in. For well over one year the specific dynamic range alteration required in some of today’s “pop genre” mixing has been made very clear. Perhaps Keith will see fit to let us all know the reason/reasons it was not included in the SQ line and whether of not the SQ’s 36 bus architecture will accommodate it’s addition.

    A Source Expander has just recently made it to the top of the line DLive model. Let that sink in…..

    Allen and Heath doesn’t have an unlimited R&D resources. The company clearly has to set priorities and goals for the company and they are working to execute those. In a perfect world, every plugin ever dreamed of would be available on every A&H console, but that isn’t reality. It hasn’t been available on the SQ series because they were working on bringing it to their flagship line first. Next I would expect it to be pushed out to the Avantis line. Only after that should anyone expect it to filter down to the SQ series.

    Profile photo of HughHugh

    Brian, it is also important to deal with the pragmatical realities of the fixed limitations that exists the SQ’s 36 bus architecture. To the best of my knowledge no official A&H info pursuant to the ability to provide the subject source expansion to the SQ line that has recently been made available with the D-live. There are obvious SR priorities at work in all of A&H’s XCIV core offerings and the future possibility of this or that D-Live feature being available in the future on either the AVANTIS OR SQ are speculative wishes at this point. Perhaps I have been derailing the collective demand for source expansion, and it is true that I have at hand a bevy of expansion tools in my Waves LV1 plug-ins that I never need to use. For this reason I have challenged Keith to officially explain the specific reasoning behind it’s absence in the original A&H offerings as well as the future possibilities for it’s inclusion as a license purchase in any of the other lines. I want everyone to be able to be able get what they want or need: however they need to clearly understand what is potentially available in the future and/or the limiting architecture guidelines of the SQ line.

    The other matter where Brian and I have a great difference is the development of a custom Processing controller. It certainly is possible to put all of D-Lives processing and connectivity in a single small footprint desk. The ability to be able to purchase what you need when you need it would be a home run for the upscale market where A&H now resides. It not only is possible, IMO it is likely we will see it in the not too distant future.

    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    Hmm, and I thought we are talking about feature suggestions here. Hmm.
    And A&H should decide whether it is possible to add an expander as alternative for the gate within the SQ range, not some of the users.

    Profile photo of HughHugh

    Mlfk0815 seems to be having a problem with the fact that A&H establishes priority decisions for the features each line will offer in terms of both hardware limitations and available software. This is pretty much the standard business protocol within the entire audio manufacturing industry. Lets begin with what we know to be true:

    1) The SQ5 hardware has a built in 36 bus functional limitation that is fixed and not a possible candidate for upgrade: it absolutely hit it’s target market and does not need a hardware reissue upgrade.
    2) The soft ware development priorities of plugins is responsive to user demand when possible within the existing desk hardware limitations.
    3) FPGA processors with XCIV cores now permit the use of expansion stage boxes: putting the I/Os and converters close to the stage source is clearly a no brainer! This evolution in today’s working protocol has rendered obsolete heavy copper snakes in favor of a single Cat 6 cable and also, when stage boxes are deployed, the desk performance XLR I/Os are no longer needed.

    IMO a universal processing controller with all of D-Lives processing goodies available as license purchases when we need them along with pricing aligned with the desk size determined by number of faders & functional ports needed. This type of desk would better fit todays upscale audio market.

    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    Hmm, and what has that to do with an expander plugin as an alternative to the channel gate? No extra hardware, no special processing power (compared to noise gates) and nothing related to stageboxes and stuff like that. Just a simple option for the noise gate slot, like the alternatives to the stock compressor, eg 16T, Mighty…

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    3) FPGA processors with XCIV cores now permit the use of expansion stage boxes: putting the I/Os and converters close to the stage source is clearly a no brainer!

    Hugh, a “Source Expander” is similar to a noise gate, and has nothing to do at all with physical connections. It is a dynamics processor, and is software based”.

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