Local SQ vs. DX168 Stereo Channels

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of peterlanders peterlanders 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #73173
    Profile photo of Ethan

    I set up a SQ local input pair as stereo, and it works fine, v1.2 firmware. Is there a way the set up the SQ to explicitly configure DX168 inputs (or other non-local) inputs as stereo? The only screen for creating stereo configurations seems only to apply to local input ports, with no obvious facility to configure stereo for various stage boxes (i’m using DX168’s) or other non-local sources.

    When I change the patch feeding into a stereo fader strip to obtain audio from DX168 inputs instead of the local inputs (using the same input socket numbers on the SQ and the DX168), the SQ fader still shows that it’s a stereo configuration, which I would expect. But only one channel of audio comes through, rather than stereo from the device connected to the DX168. It does not appear that the stereo configuration is being applied to the DX168 inputs even though the desk indicates its a stereo configuration.

    Is it possible to create stereo channels for non-local inputs?

    Profile photo of peterlanders

    I think you might be mixing up local inputs with the SQ’s 48 processing channels, which are mapped 1:1 by default but can be patched from local ports, USB, or expansion boxes like your DX168.

    When you’re creating stereo pairs, you’re combining processing channels, not physical sockets. It doesn’t matter where the sockets are, just whether you’ve mapped them to an odd/even pair of processing channels.

    So, in the I/O screen, you might patch sockets 7 and 8 on your DX (via the S-Link tab) to processing channels 3 and 4 (or whatever). Then, when you use the Input Stereo screen to set channels 3 and 4 as stereo, you’ll be all set.

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