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  • #108929
    Profile photo of Yvo

    I was literally just about to post this!
    We just received an IP8 and I’d really like to be able to put effect parameters on the faders.
    What also would be nice is to be able to store the layouts into a library, in stead of having to use scenes.

    Profile photo of Yvo

    Yes, I was very much hoping and even expecting that would make it to v 1.2 but sadly it didn’t.

    Profile photo of Yvo

    Before you replied, I wanted to double check if at least the trims were independent on the channels and they seem to be.
    That way, if the tube stages were linked, I could at least have a clean and a dirty channel.
    For the heck of it I tried again whether the tube stages would be linked across channels with the same pre amp feeding them and indeed they weren’t
    That’s so weird because I distinctly remember trying this (using a duplicate vocal channel to feed delays) and instantiating a tube model on the duplicate’s pre amp (to dirty it up), would instantiate it on the lead vocal channel’s pre amp section too. So I figured they were linked and didn’t look at it again.
    So… now I don’t know what happened there. I’ll have to check when I get the desk back.
    It’s good news anyway.
    Is it a relatively new feature, or was it always there? If so, I’ll have to double check what the hell was going on in my session that made it seemingly link those things.
    Perhaps its something else, user error, I mistook… I’ll have to find out.

    Profile photo of Yvo

    I concur though, for instance. I would like to be able to split a channel (same input) and run one clean and the other with the emulation.
    This is currently not possible because the pre amp emulation is tied to the pre amp.
    I don’t see a way of achieving what I want except bu using a physical splitter and plugging the same signal into two inputs on the Avantis.

    So yes, I would too like to be able to insert the pre amp models or some other means of saturation.

    Profile photo of Yvo

    I think you can just downgrade.
    The problem was that I had developed my showfiles quite a bit after I upgraded to v1.2.
    Going back to 1.13 therefore meant losing A LOT of work, because my most recent showfiles (edited under 1.2) wouldn’t work anymore under 1.13.
    Obviously, this was a nightmare scenario I was hoping to avoid as the festival weekends had me sleep deprived enough already.

    Luckily a console reset seems to have helped in eliminating most of the issues. I can’t be sure though.
    Not enough operating hours have passed since the console reset and the console is currently back with the distributer so they can sort it out while my colleague and I take a much deserved holiday.

    I hope A&H get a stable version of 1.2 out before mid september.
    I’d like to like the console again before we hit the ground running again.

    Profile photo of Yvo

    I’ve noticed a similar issue since 1.2 but my faders generally got dragged down in volume because of it. Either all the way or half way.
    Frustrating stuff when you left PA matrix or main bus is suddenly at -12 or infinity.

    A&H said it’s probably a hardware issue but I’m not sure since it happened on two different faders for me already.

    Profile photo of Yvo

    I have this issue too, even with the fast brab rotaries and reported it to A&H support on july 5th.
    Frankly I’m sorry I updated because the past two festival weekends were frustrating because of it and frankly embarrassing towards our guest engineers.
    I’d been looking forward to finally putting the Avantis through its paces with band mixing but 1.2 ruined it for me.
    I didn’t have an easy path to revert back to 1.13, so that’s on me for being an idiot.

    Profile photo of Yvo

    very likely

    Profile photo of Yvo

    +1 and it would also be nice to be able to reset individual bands.
    I’m missing a slope control on the shelves too.

    The EQs sound good though 😉

    Profile photo of Yvo

    I find that confusing too.

    Profile photo of Yvo

    I’d like this too.

    Profile photo of Yvo

    seems like important stuff here. Keep this thread active!

    Profile photo of Yvo

    Here’s my feature suggestion for it:

    Input select or IO patch on MixPad

    Profile photo of Yvo

    I have the same issue.
    The current answer is: You can run the director software on a laptop or desktop on stage, this allows you to fully control the Avantis.

    This is a workaround we’ll be using until they add full patching to the mixpad app or bring Director to the iPad (Pro). It’s not perfect but it’ll do. We’ll just put a laptop on stage.

    It’s a weird thing because input patching is one of THE core functions I’d like to perform while I’m walking around on stage and this will now be our second professional mixing console by an A brand who won’t allow me to do it from the iPad app.
    Apparently I’m super weird. 😀

    Profile photo of Yvo

    Indeed it probably wouldn’t matter.
    But I understand the desire of A&H to keep their latency compensation system as ‘no-brainer’ as possible.
    On one side, as a studio engineer I generally dislike developers putting ‘training wheels’ on their professional audio products, but in a live situation, that’s a different story. I’d like it to be as effortless as possible. The job is tricky enough as is, without any extra unnecessary brain cycles being required.

    The question about mapping more to the physical pots is a fair point.
    I heard that even on the dLive, the new NEQ’s 12 bands can’t even be controlled via the dedicated PEQ pots. Apparently it’s quite cumbersome to manage on the touch screens.

    I suppose on Avantis you could use the ‘pan’ pots of both screens. Perhaps with a soft key to switch between freq and Q?
    Or you could map gain and freq to the pan pots and out put the Q of the selected band on the touch and turn pot?
    I don’t know… these are ideas.

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