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  • #84169
    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    If you cascaded the DX168 units, you have use S-link output 17 from the Inout panel, to connect to output 1 of your second DX.
    If you have a hub, you have to press the S-link button twice to get to the second unit.

    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    @chibb: the most recent available.

    I’ve been networking without problems for a view gigs now with an Engenius en500 (which has a very strong transmitter/receiver for several kilometers). Even at 50 meters from the mixer with a 1000 people with phones inbetween i did not notice any network dropouts.
    The downside is, that in the mode I am using it in, it cannot be a DHCP server. So the ios clients need to be configured by hand.

    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    This is now possible in firmware v1.3
    Haven’t tried it, but you can see it in the patch screen.

    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    If you try to prepare a USB stick from a Mac. Beware that hidden files on the stick can prevent the SQ from seeing the update file.
    What I did to make it work:
    Format stick on SQ, copy the firmware .bin file to the stick
    Open a terminal on the mac.
    cd /Volumes
    this shows you the available volumes, the name of the usb stick should be there (NO NAME in my case)

    cd NO\ NAME
    ls -la

    remove all the hidden files (start with dots, below are examples, this can be different on your mac.

    rm -rf .trash
    rm -rf .Spotlight...

    check again with ls -la to see if all hidden files are removed.
    When all hidden files are removed and you see just the content that should be there, wait until the stick stops blinking (if there’s a led, otherwise just wait 20 sec) and remove the usb stick WITHOUT ejecting/unmounting first.

    Maybe the Allen & Heath people can fix this by letting SQ-Drive ignore hidden files when looking for the firmware .bin file?

    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    Sorry for the late reply, not always on this forum 🙂
    As it says in my post. I solved the issue by creating an aggregated device in osx.

    I did not do a lot of DAW lately, but it works as an input output device. I did not try to use the faders yet (as daw remote), but it would be done easily with a midi layer in Nuendo.

    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    On OSX it should work with CoreAudio.

    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    I agree one should be able to send the post-compressor signal to the auxes.
    If you don’t use the channel delay, you could set the Aux Send Settings to Post Delay, which gives you post channel compression to the AUX.

    If I’m using channel delay in a semi-acoustic setup, I don’t want that delay on the monitors. So I would like to have and extra Aux Send Setting of Post Compressor

    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    +1 for the RTA on PEQ Ch

    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    I’ve tried using a scene with a global filter, but the filter that allowes the main/bus routing is coupled within faders. So that doesn’t work, unless you won’t mind the faders reset to the scene setting.
    If you have enough channels, you could use 1 input on two channels, route one channel to LR and the other one not and use mute groups assigned to the soft buttons.
    Kind regards,

    Johan Velthuis

    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    I understand it will cause latency. The idea behind it is not to hear it in time, but being able to troubleshoot if a hum is coming from a particular source or to make some EQ adjustments. Maybe I can create a seperate app that can be used in the background to play the audio on the iPad. And an app for a macbook that sends an USB bus via a VOIP protool. Or a dedicated raspberry pi that can send incoming audio to the network.
    That way A&H support doesn’t have to worry about the complains 🙂 My biggest concern is, that the audio should not use up to much bandwidth, so the SQ app slows down or will be buggy.

    Profile photo of Johan Velthuis
    Johan Velthuis

    If you use an unbalanced jack cable (or two) to connect your keyboard, and you are near the mixer, you can just plugin to the jack inputs on the back of the SQ-6.
    I own a SQ-5 and it has 2 stereo (or 4 mono) jack inputs on the back of the mixer.

    Otherwise, just use a DI-box. RadialEngineering is my favourite (not a shareholder 🙂 )

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