ZEDi8 USB monitoring in mono only?

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    Profile photo of memecodememecode

    So I’m trying to figure out why monitoring the USB audio from the computer is mono when I hit the headphone button on the USB audio channel and listen via the headphones. It definitely is a stereo mix when monitoring is NOT engaged. There doesn’t seem to be any switch for mono or stereo for monitoring.

    Is it configurable or a bug? Or just a product limitation?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    The headphone/listen/PFL bus on all ZED mixers is mono and is for checking signals ‘pre-fade’ before adding them to the mix.
    Then as you say, with no PFL switches engaged, the headphone output is fed by the stereo main mix instead.

    You can see this and all the internal routing in the block diagram here – https://www.allen-heath.com/media/ZEDi-8-Technical-Datasheet.pdf#page=3&zoom=150,-178,761


    Profile photo of memecodememecode

    Ok so it’s a design issue and can’t be worked around.

    My old analog Mackie mixer allowed me to have either the headphones and/or main outs (connected to monitors) running and they were independent. I could switch between the 2 easily. The ZEDi8 however doesn’t seem to be as easy. If I turn down the main mix to switch from monitors to headphones I lose the head phones too, they are NOT independent. I basically have to switch off the monitors when trying to use headphones otherwise both are running. My main use case is being plugged into a MacOSX computer where I mix multi-track audio in Logic (and general listening). So switching between monitors and headphones is very normal.

    I feel this is a significant design flaw in the product. Maybe worth considering for future products or revisions.

    On a more positive note, the ZEDi8 is soooo much quieter than the old Mackie. It obviously helps that the audio is staying in the digital domain from the computer. But all the RF hiss and clicks of the computer are gone.

    I guess while I’m at it… the plastic edge around the unit seems a bit superfluous, couldn’t it just be smaller?

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