Hi Nicola,
Well done to you and the team you have certainly set the world a Buzz once again and taken a march on the competition by the looks of things.
I have a quick question regarding the XCVI FPGA core in the documentation it is referred to as being 160×64 processing with a maximum of 128 input channels, and wanted to confirm that the 160 is made up of the 128 inputs + 16 stereo FX channels being doubled to 32.
I know it may seem obvious but in “ILive” terminology you always used to say the Mix engine was 64×32 and 8 FX giving a total of 72 input channels in single rack mode not 8 FX doubled to 16 giving a total of 80 inputs
Have you changed the way you calculate and advertise the channel count or am I missing something.
Its very minor and neither here nor there but when doing comparisons it helps to keep the methodology consistent.
Again well done.