Setting Gain on Multiple Scenes

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Stephen Stephen 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #120346
    Profile photo of APUSAH

    I was looking to pre-create several scenes (10) before a show thinking that I could then set the gain and have it “stick” for the scenes, but it looks like gain is one of the scene data points that is overwritten.
    Is there a way to either:

    1) update a scene data point for multiple scenes; or
    2) globally “lock” the gain so that it doesn’t change with with scenes.

    Based on my research it looks like some of the more advanced series have both a global set feature or a filter feature when updating scenes.
    Without it, it seems to make setting up scene transitions ahead of time less useful.

    Thanks all!

    Profile photo of Stephen

    I, too, would love to know the answer to this one, as it’s crucial to Scenes being useful in a gig setting while moving song to song.

    Profile photo of willmodelisme

    Sorry I don’t understand the point here.
    For me the gain is fixed to the value as saved for each scene.

    Profile photo of APUSAH

    I’ll give an example. I have a show coming up, whether a band or a small theater production. I know in advance what instruments / mics I want in for particular scenes, but I don’t have the mics on the person yet.

    I’d like to set up 10 scenes where various channels are muted to bring them in or out for each scene at the tap of a button. The day of sound check I show up, I need to set the gain on mics for scene 1. I’d like that same gain to apply to the rest of scenes, but if I switch scenes the gain reverts to whatever gain was set when I set up the scene. This makes it not useful to set up scenes ahead of time and limits the usefulness of scene changes.

    If I could set the gain and have the option to have it not impacted by scene changes, that would be great. I thought I was missing how to do that, but perhaps it’s just a missing feature.

    Profile photo of willmodelisme

    OK I better now understand.

    Profile photo of Stephen

    What APUSAH describes is exactly my, and probably many others, scenario working with bands. Hopefully there is a solution.

    Profile photo of SteveC

    Full disclosure, I’m a complete novice at this stuff, but this discussion interests me as I suspect I might want to do this kind of thing – if I’m understanding it correctly!

    If you loaded scene 1 with the correct gain settings, and then used that to overwrite scenes 2,3,4,… and then tweaked those additional scenes to your requirements, would that not be a solution?

    Profile photo of willmodelisme

    Scenes are used to quickly make adjustments for singer/musicians needs between each songs, like EQ, FX and sends.
    As far as I understand, doing like you mention will also overwrite those settings to scene 1 and that is not what APUSAH wants.

    Profile photo of APUSAH

    If you loaded scene 1 with the correct gain settings, and then used that to overwrite scenes 2,3,4,… and then tweaked those additional scenes to your requirements, would that not be a solution?

    SteveC, if you do it that way, then you have to create the follow on scenes serially ONLY after you have set the gain and settings in scene one. And if during the show your auto gain feature decreases the gain (or you realize you made a gain error) during scene 1, as soon as you switch to scene 2, then you are right back to where you started.

    That means you can’t have multiple scenes set up BEFORE you set gains for a show and the usefulness of doing scene setups before a show is limited.

    Profile photo of Lee7

    Have you tried seeing if you can do the above by using the Mixing Station app. With that app you can setup scenes offline.


    Profile photo of APUSAH

    I’ll give it a go. My difficulty with mixing station (while great in some aspects) is that I use it on multiple devices and it’s been a pain to constantly update and sync my preferences between devices and os’s.

    Profile photo of Stephen

    At a minimum, what would be useful from a band perspective is being able to maintain gain/fader settings as I move between scenes at a gig. I believe there is a sort of global filter option for this on other A&H series’ but I may have that wrong. In any case, it would be a massive help.

    Indeed, I had just this problem last night: changed a scene (one song) to the next one (the next song) and got massive feedback as the gain settings also changed significantly between those songs and the Feedback Assistant had been dialed in using the previous scene (the first song). Very embarrassing…

    Profile photo of Stephen

    Still baffled that there is no workaround or solution to this. Being able to use Scenes, but without having to constantly reset your master, monitors, faders, and feedback detection each time you switch Scene, is the main reason that I– and probably 99% of small bands– bought this mixer.

    We desperately need a sort of “Global Filter” that we can use to freeze some or all of those things above from moving from scene to scene– often triggering feedback.

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