Recall Sends On / Off but not Send Level

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    Profile photo of MmmSoundMmmSound

    I am trying to set up a softkey that allows me to switch between my “show” and “soundcheck” talks routing. I.e to switch off the sends of the tech mics in the bands ears for the show, while keeping them live in the tech IEMs. Unfortunately it’s not possible to affect multiple sends in the softkey page itself.

    I tried making a work around someone suggested by having a scene that I recall that only recalls the On / Off status, but this also recalls all of the send levels as they are both just classified under “routing” of an input channel.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    The on/off is available.

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    Profile photo of ErikErik

    Use the TB function on the console.
    make a TB group for BAND and a TB group for TECH.
    Use soft keys to activate either group or both groups.

    Profile photo of RSRS

    When there is a mixing console (monitor console) involved to set TB group levels, this is a good choice. Otherwise I never get the right level for all TB groups involved, as the send level can not be adjusted for different groups in dLive.

    Profile photo of MmmSoundMmmSound

    Thanks this was it!

    Profile photo of ErikErik

    If you need level adjustment per mix, duplicate MON TB to 2 separate channels and route CH1 to BAND and CH2 to TECH, use soft keys for mute and unmute of each channel

    Profile photo of RSRS

    Good workaround, Erik. Will try this 👍

    Profile photo of Julian TinaoJulian Tinao

    I use a desk channel for TB, and use some sends in post-fader (SF, floor wedges, mixes that I don’t need them to hear TB later on, etc. ) and some in pre-fader (in-ears that allways need TB). I have independent levels for every mix, only 1 mute if I need to mute, and when I need every mix to listen I keep the fader up, but when I wan’t I can bring the fader level down and just the selected mixes in pre fader will continue to hear the TB. The fader also serves as a general “level” for all TB going to wedges.

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