Please add Mute-Group(s) Feature

Forums Forums CQ Forums CQ feature suggestions Please add Mute-Group(s) Feature

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  • #119938
    Profile photo of Headfirst7491Headfirst7491

    @keithjah can you give us an idea if you’re planning to do this? i am about to buy this mixer but this is a deal breaker for me

    Profile photo of Lee7Lee7

    Use the Mixing Station app where you can create Mute groups.

    Profile photo of Headfirst7491Headfirst7491

    @keithjah would be useful if you can publish a “roadmap” of the features that you’re planning to implement.

    also is allen heath planning to do updates on this product?
    many competitor have great products than are great but then become dead in the water for lack of updates.
    example: soundcraft, behringer, zoom, (sony for cameras)
    example of good companies in other fields: line 6 has been delivering great updates for helix for years adding great features and people are super happy and keep buying the helix lineup.

    are you planning of supporting this line of mixers?

    Profile photo of KevinTurnerKevinTurner

    could really use a Mute All Inputs

    Profile photo of JayBJayB

    +1…would be great to be able to configure multiple channels to mute with a SoftKey

    Profile photo of EliEli


    Profile photo of crosslycrossly


    Profile photo of ZyblerZybler


    Profile photo of ChienmortChienmort

    I bought two tablets about 18 months ago, one a basic iPad and one a Lenovo mid range for my partner. I have mainly used the iPad with the CQ but in reality I don’t remember any great lag with either. I will check later.

    Incidentally I am also in the UK Dorset) and got the iPad from Amazon and the Lenovo from John Lewis.

    Profile photo of ronMronM


    Profile photo of ChienmortChienmort

    I did check it last night and there is about a one second delay on the Android but the iPad is very fast.

    Profile photo of drumm1ndrumm1n

    +1 Mute Groups, crippled otherwise and need Mixstation.

    Profile photo of CQ-18TCQ-18T


    Profile photo of ZigZig


    Profile photo of PeterDPeterD


Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 60 total)
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