Phantom power question

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    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    I thought I would ask this here to see what others might be doing. I have been doing phantom power since it was first introduced. I have done hundreds of shows and installs with splitters but only in the analog realm. I have a situation coming up soon where I am demoing a GLD112/48 system in a large church that does live television. We are going to put the GLD in the TV mix booth. They have 2 Soundcraft K2/48’s now for FOH and TV. All mics are split with hard wired splitting, no transformers. There has always been an oddity in this particular setup regarding he K2’s. Phantom has never worked with only one console sending it. Both boards have to be phantom’d. I know that is not the way it should be. I consulted with Soundcraft when I installed them in 2000. They said the front ends on these board had a loading thing that required both consoles to be turned on. It won’t work any other way. So now if we pull one out and put the GLD in I would assume the FOH board would work more correctly like I have done before and the GLD would be all off. Does anyone know that the stage boxes and the 4 inputs on the console are well protected on this as in series caps? I would assume they would be since there are all kinds of situations. I just do not know the input configuration. Have not seen a schematic. Don’t want to zap anything. Oh, and if there is a suggestion to phantom from the GLD that presents an issue I have discussed with the guys there. There are a lot of things that go on in the sanctuary that are not televised and they are hoping now that they won’t have to always turn on the TV board to do something like a wedding or funeral or other program…Thanks for any help in advance.

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    I asked about sending 48V to the GLD output sockets about 6 months ago but didn’t get a reply.

    Here are some links that might be useful. The general consensus seems to be that two console sending phantom to each others inputs will be fine, but I’ve heard of 01V’s outputting white noise when the outputs see 48V, as in when submixing.,99639.0.html?PHPSESSID=g5ep6c9196l4hcn3rnceiuktb3


    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    I have a request into my contact that I talked to yesterday about the 112 startup problem. I thought I would ask on this forum also to see what others were doing. Just did not know what was going on at that input stage…I would assume they would have it protected with series caps…

    Profile photo of TJCornishTJCornish

    I’ve never heard of a problem with parallel phantom power – inputs are well used to various situations – cable shorts and other nonsense. The problem is usually phantom power back-feeding into an output, which many boards are VERY intolerant of. I can say from personal experience that the GLD didn’t blow up when I accidentally put phantom power on a GLD output, but obviously it’s not a great idea.

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