Phantom feature

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  • #61465
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Does the QU-32 Digital mixer have the phantom feature?

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Not sure what you mean. If you mean phantom power for condenser mics then yes it does. On a per mic basis.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Yes,where is that in the mixer?

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    Obviously time to for me to place The Manual Link: Check Page 30, phantom power is engaged from the screen.

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Press select on a channel. Press processing to right of screen. In upper left press on the gain knob area to get preamp page. On left side in 48v button. Press and hold a couple seconds to turn on 48v. Hope that helps.

    Profile photo of stupaakstupaak

    Yes it does. You will find it on the touch screen after you select a channel. You will not see it if you have the main L/R selected. In order to engage it you must press and hold for about a second.

    Profile photo of frank1frank1

    The A-H manual for engaging the phantom power is next to useless.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Where is the difficulty? It’s just a switch in the UI of the preamp, like nearly all other digital consoles on the market.
    Nothing unusual here.

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