The SQ pan control doesn’t show any values and at least for me it’s hard to tell how much a certain source has been panned left or right. When working with stereo keyboards or guitars, I sometimes need to pan two or more channels left or right by the same amount and the visual feedback isn’t exactly great on this matter.
It would be handy to show at least some kind of value on the pan controls in both the console’s screen as well as the app. This could be a percentage, a dB value or just some kind of numerical value.
In addition to that, a virtual center detent on the pan pot would be great.
you did read the word ‘virtual’? 😛
Basically some kind of ‘digital snap’ when you get close to center position. Should be easy to program the thing so you need to advance the encoder 2-3 increments before it actually changes the pan position.
Not at the console right now, but to center the Pan I seem to remember you can hold down the “reset” button on the left while turning the Pan knob slightly in a hard L – C – R selection.
Whilst I agree that a label would be great, if I’ve read your use case correctly, wouldn’t you be well served by linking your two channels into a stereo channel and using the width control?
This is what I do when I want a stereo source to be “less wide” – works very well.