mp3 playback support on usb stick?

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  • #63189

    Hey folks!

    Just got round to playing with the usb record/playback. I noticed mp3 doesn’t appear to be supported currently. Does anyone know if that’s being addressed for future firmware updates? I was only able to get wav files to play thus far. I mean, there are a ton of other options to get 2-track into this desk, but how often do you have a performer/guest show up with a thumb drive, “hey, can you play this?” Would be nice to be able to stick that thing in, nav to the folder and hit go.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Don’t feel bad – The Midas and Behringer only play .WAV files from USB. Worse yet, the files have to be encoded at the wordclock setting of your console. If your console is set to 48k, then 44.1k files won’t play. So generally every file has to be converted. Quite weak.

    Profile photo of PVHPVH
    Profile photo of JayJay

    I believe the more accurate statement is “MP3 licensing is officially dead”.

    On April 23rd, Fraunhofer IIS, the company that managed patent licensing for MP3, officially terminated the licensing program. No part of MP3 is encumbered in patent licenses and can now be embedded without legal issues.

    MP3, unfortunately, will probably outlive most of us.

    Profile photo of ddff_lvddff_lv

    Well, bring the laptop if you expect someone with his USB, as in most cases desk will not recognize the drive and there can be FLAC, AAC, OGG, or any other fancy format. I believe the built in player is intended for prepared walk-in music and for recording mainly. It will not have all the DJ functions anyway.


    Profile photo of cafocafo

    +1 for MP3 support
    If GLD can, why not DLive?

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I would like it as well

    Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk

    Profile photo of WolfgangWolfgang

    i don´t need mp3 at this point.

    send from my computer…


    I’ve got 1001 ways to get sound into this desk that don’t involve using the usb stick as an mp3 playback device. In fact, I have a mac Mini acting as DSP server over Dante sitting at FOH, that is *also* running VIA, so adding an iTunes playback channel there is no issue. …but we also have terribly unskilled users that sometimes have to run things. I can think of like, five situations where that usb support would just save erryone a headache or two. Just saying. 🙂

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    it is incredible useful to have a playback engine in the desk that can play most filetypes
    that’s it

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