SQ Tie Line Gain Tracking

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of MabelTainter MabelTainter 1 week, 1 day ago.

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  • #105752
    Profile photo of WalW

    Hey team,
    We run 2x SQ6s in a church environment (FOH & Broadcast) with the broadcast mixer being manned by the video switcher operator currently running only essential faders and DCAs due to difficulty in having enough volunteers.

    Can we please have a gain tracking feature added for gigaACE connections between 2 SQ units, similar to what the new dLive firmware update has given? In our situation, the broadcast console would track the gain of the FOH console to remain at a constant level.

    I don’t necessarily think we need gain SHARING/CONTROL between the two units as trim will suffice for increasing gain on the secondary unit. Gain tracking would ensure no mixes are ever out of where they should be unless a change is made on the broadcast console.

    Please please please add this feature!

    Thanks for the spectacular desks that the SQs are. We have only installed ours in the last few weeks and found a noticeable difference as compared to our old LS9-32 and Adobe Audition for broadcast.

    Keep it real team. Wal

    Profile photo of Brian

    I’d have to question when and why there would be gain changes in the first place. Once you get a proper gain structure set up for the overall system, any gain changes due to a new musician etc would be appropriate for both desks. There shouldn’t be “random” gain changes made during a service or really even week to week because most church settings have a pretty consistent setup.

    Profile photo of WalW

    Hey Brian, the main reason we would change gain is due to MC mics being shared between MCs/Communion message sharers/Pastors and we have found there can be some changed during service if the volunteer has not set themselves up properly during practice.

    I just see this feature as handy and a worthwhile inclusion into the next firmware release.


    Profile photo of Brian

    I definitely can see where gain changes due to different speakers would be helpful and were having the gain change across both consoles would also be helpful – so that both engineers don’t have to go change the trim for the same input.

    Profile photo of Rob

    +1 on this. We have two SQ5s, one for in house and the other for streaming, and it’d be nice to allow the in house engineer to adjust their gain mid-service without affecting the streaming levels.

    Profile photo of Chris


    Profile photo of MabelTainter

    Yes please, this would be an amazing feature to have added to the SQ (And I feel like it shouldn’t be too difficult either). I agree that being able to change the gain sharing option like you can on Avantis and Dlive isn’t terribly necessary, but my theater is planning to expand our sound system to include an SQ 5 as a monitor board and for smaller events (generally in our basement bar that often has live music events separate from our main stage). We currently have an SQ 7 for our FOH board and it works great (despite a recent glitch with our AB168’s), but since we’d be adding a monitor board into our system, it would be amazing to not have to worry about any on stage gain adjustments affecting the FOH mix. Thanks to the people for backing this up and that I’m not the only one

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