Hello everyone!
I will be the proud owner of an allen and heath ML4000 48 channel in a few months to use it in my home studio. To make it into my hybrid workflow with the SQ5 i will split the console in half just like TrueSoundStudio’s did with his GL4000 (see link below) to make a 19″ rack section in the middle. I have everything figured out except one thing; the meterbridge. I will be splitting the console left of the main section, but unfortunately there are VU meters in the way. If i will split the meterbridge in half in the same line as the regular cut i will most likely cut trough the PCB of the aux meters which is of course something I don’t want.
I wonder if someone has any idea how to solve this.
thanks in advance :))
https://youtu.be/aTtGdlkZUX8 (link to the video where the guy split the GL4000)