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  • #125484
    Profile photo of tutu13tutu13

    For some time now, this massage has been appearing every time I start the SQ, how can I avoid this? Previously, the SQ would automatically open on the last scene without telling me anything.

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    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    This message will only show up if
    a) You have a user scene set
    b) You are logging in as the same user as when the unit was shut down

    This is because with a user scene set, the SQ wants to load this on login, but if the same person is using the mixer (or for example, you had a power cut), if it recalled the user scene, you would lose any changes you’d made since you last recalled.
    This popup therefore gives you the option to recall the user scene again (select Yes) or to load up in the same state it was when shut down (select No).
    Note that you are never working ‘in’ a scene, you only have the current state of the mixer which can be stored to a scene slot. Recalling a scene replaces the settings in the current state with the stored settings. The ‘Current:’ scene at the top of the screen is just the last scene that was recalled, because as soon as you change anything, the current state doesn’t match the stored state anymore.

    So you would need to leave your user scene unassigned in order to not see this pop-up.


    Profile photo of tutu13tutu13

    Thank you Keith 🙂

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