Local IO from surfaces be able to Dante Clock Sync

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    Profile photo of JMaya

    Local IO from surfaces be able to Dante Clock Sync

    Profile photo of SteffenR

    This is a statement or a question?
    If so, it makes no sense to me.

    Profile photo of JMaya

    It is a desire and make sense if have a fixed instalation and just want to use DANTE and have dante on both Surface and MixRack and dont use gigaACE .

    Profile photo of JMaya

    Here it is the case

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    Profile photo of SteffenR

    Nope. That doesn’t work.
    If you ask why, you should learn something about the system first.
    GigaACE just works.

    Profile photo of JMaya

    Hi SteffenT;

    I know how the GigaACE works….the problem is other…the same way it is possible to chose SyncClock in the RAcks….it will be nice to do the same on the surfaces……. It is a question of simple Firmware .

    Profile photo of SteffenR


    I don’t understand what you are trying to say now.
    You can choose clock sources on both, mixrack and surface, but there is only one master for the system.

    Possible clock sources are, mixrack internal, mixrack BNC socket, mixrack I/O slots 1…3, surface BNC socket, surface I/O slots 1…2 and surface AES/EBU inputs.
    The surface does no processing, so it just transmits control data, audio and word clock signals, to the XCVI core.

    But this is totally unrelated to your drawing.

    Profile photo of JMaya

    Hi SteffenR;

    It is not true….You Cant chose on the Surface the Clocksource ….it is all ways the clock that came on gigaACE . If for exemple you have a DANTE card on the surface you cant chose that the preamps on the surface have the clock from the dante card on it.

    Profile photo of RS

    Steffen, I think his feature request is related to his other post in “troubleshooting”

    Installation system without gigaACE

    He believes this could be solved with a firmware update. Only A&H could shed some light on this…

    Profile photo of SteffenR

    it is all ways the clock that came on gigaACE

    No. It is possible to sync to the surface word clock socket. You need to configure it as input.
    And of course it is possible to sync to the Dante network. No matter where the card is located.

    If for exemple you have a DANTE card on the surface you cant chose that the preamps on the surface have the clock from the dante card on it.

    Why should I want that?
    Maybe you need to learn more about word clock?

    The system needs one word clock.
    The mixing engine can of course get its clock from external devices. And it can send word clock to external devices as well.

    The preamps are part of the system, word clock is distributed with the GigaACE and DX protocols to all expanders or surfaces.

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    Profile photo of JMaya


    1º In the Surface it is NOT possible to choose the clock from Dante , when you have a DAnte card on the surface ( I try it )

    2º The Work Clock BNC input on the surface (when Select ) it is to be used by the gigaACE.

    I gone explain again what is the idea.

    I want to have DANTE card in both MIX Rack and Surface , one on each .

    I Want to make TIE Lines on the surface from the Analogue IN’s and OUT’s to DANTE Card installed on it …..and here start the problem…..if you dont have a gigaACE cable connected dont let you make you that tielines.

    The idea is have a DANTE Eco system without gigaACE.

    The control can be done just with the normal ethernet port on the Mixrack and Surface….

    Hope that be clear.

    Joao Maya

    Profile photo of SteffenR

    We explained you already that it is not possible to use a dLive surface without GigaACE.
    The GigaACE link transports around 300 audio signals in both directions and is used as word clock and control link.
    The surface is just a remote control.

    There is no benefit on having a Dante ecosystem without GigaACE.

    And, btw, tie lines are not what you think.

    Profile photo of JMaya

    Hi Steffen;

    I know that is not possible , but it is a very big backdrop for something ease to resolve.

    And other think I know what tines are….we can simple for exemple send the Analogue IN1 from the surface to OUT1 of the DANTE Card on the Surface (if installed) ….

    In Resume we have a very nice surface (C1500 in my case) that works fine without gigaACE to controls, you just need to use a ethernet connection to switch from your fixed installation and have the Mixrack (DM0 with dante card in my case) in room far away , and use Dante Stages in any place ; but if you want the use the 8 analogue IN/OUTS from the surface and the headphone out you have to USE a DEDICATE CAT6 cable to conecte each other ……..not so smart when with a DANTE card on the Surface has just to tieline that inputs to the Dante outs….them I can Patch from the card DANTE on the surface to the card DANTE on the Mixrack and use normally that channel .

    Profile photo of SteffenR

    I can’t believe your ignorance.
    The surface does nothing without the mixrack.
    No routing, no processing, nothing.
    And the system is build around the GigaACE connection.


    If you use a dedicated VLAN you can add the GigaACE link to your house network.

    Profile photo of JMaya

    Hi SteffenR;

    I know that….I think you still dont understand my point.

    Best Regards
    Joao Maya

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