dLive PFL IEM mix to surface headphone Jack & Assign/Unassign All Channels

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  • #120227
    Profile photo of PaulPaul

    Moving back to A&H after a few years break (last A&H desk was an iLive) Have 2 things I can’t find on my new dLive.

    1: How can you send the IEM Mix to the surface headphone amp? I swore you could do this back on iLive. Powered up my old 176 to make sure I wasn’t crazy, and it definitely is an option on the iLive PFL screen but is missing from dLive PFL options.

    2: Is there a quick way of assigning/un-assigning all channels to a bus? On iLive if you hold mix and double tap Assign it will Assign all channels or Un-assign all channels. Same for Pre/Post. Is this functionality implemented on dLive as well?

    Thanks in advance!

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    1 – If you have the IEM buss on a layer on the surface, it should be as easy as pressing the PAFL key for that buss. If you want a certain buss to always be outputted to the PAFL send (whenever there isn’t anything else being PAFL), you can set that under the PAFL settings (Surface Settings/Audio/ PAFL).

    2 – I am not sure of this answer.

    Profile photo of RuneSRuneS

    2. Hold the assign button and press the mix button of an aux etc. Same thing goes for pre/post. Essentially, just do what you would do to a single channel, but to the bus instead. You might need to press the pre/assign button several times to make sure that all channels are on the same setting.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    I should also note that there are several options with regards to setting up custom buttons and auxes. I believe you can set it up to PAFL a buss without having the buss on a surface layer for example. But I believe you can also set a button up to change the layer to “send of faders” mode for a particular aux and set the PAFL to that buss as well. So be sure to check out the different options for the custom buttons because you might find it easiest to set up custom buttons for each IEM mix.

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