dLive Input / Compressor routing.

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  • #81575
    Profile photo of Buzz LightyearBuzz Lightyear

    Can the compressors on the dLive be routed to the input of a channel, reather than just the output to L&R?

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    you have to think bevor you ask…

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    Every single input channel, and every single output has its own dedicated compressor. You can choose from various compressor types individually per channel/output too.

    Profile photo of RaySRayS

    the answer to the original question is “yes” with ver. 1.7x you can pretty much assign any output/group/fx etc to an input if that rack FX is a compressor then, again yes.


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I believe this was not the question, but I don’t understand the question anyway

    Profile photo of Buzz LightyearBuzz Lightyear

    The compressor on any input only compressed through the main L,R output. If you compressed anything and wanted it to be compressed in any mix send, it wouldn’t work. I found out that mixes 1-8 were not routed Post delay. I had never encountered, or had to change that before and was confused for a while.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    The compressor on any input only compressed through the main L,R output. If you compressed anything and wanted it to be compressed in any mix send, it wouldn’t work. I found out that mixes 1-8 were not routed Post delay. I had never encountered, or had to change that before and was confused for a while.

    it depends on the pre/post state of the mix send

    Profile photo of JayJay

    It all depends on your source point.

    1) On you channel setup, are you PEQ/Comp or Comp/PEQ?

    2) On the Aux routing page, top right, you need to select the source point. If you are PEQ/Comp then “Post Delay” is your only option to have Comp applied to the bus send. If you are Comp/PEQ then you can choose PEQ or Post Delay.

    Pre/Post fader is still independent of the source point.

    Depending on what you are doing and input channel count, you can setup a duplicate set of channels just for monitors or other needs.

    I’m with Steffen – the way you asked this was very confusing. Hopefully, based on your last response, this is what you are looking for.


    Profile photo of jony5jony5

    So, this is a global setting per bus, rather than an input setting against each individual bus?

    If that’s this case it’s a shame as my X32 is based in input settings, which means I can apply a channel compressor to LR and any mix bus I choose, but able to leave out of other bus.

    Do we know if a feature request has Benn requested to make this more configurable? (against inputs rather than bus) ???


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    to avoid timing differences it is necessary to treat the tap points in the whole bus/mix/aux the same

    and it’s the same on X-32

    the tap point is a mix setting and you can set every input/source to pre or post fader
    that means to send compressed input signals to an individual aux with channel fader dependency
    you need to set your tap point to post delay (this is post compression as well) and the aux state to post fader

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