Default Values for Compressor, Gate?

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  • #102976
    Profile photo of unclejemimaunclejemima

    Just curious if there are any default values for the compressor or gate? Like some factory presets for ‘vocal’s’ ,’speach’, ‘instrument’, etc.

    If not, once a desirable setting is saved for the compressor or gate, is it possible to save, name and recall the presets to be recalled on other channels?

    And then my last question what I know is very noob…can I get some suggestions for ‘starting values’ for the compressor and gate specific to vocal singing, speech, acoustic guitar and acoustic piano?

    Thank you all.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Just curious if there are any default values for the compressor or gate?

    if you reset the devices they a get set to their default values

    If not, once a desirable setting is saved for the compressor or gate, is it possible to save, name and recall the presets to be recalled on other channels?

    thats why the library is available…
    I highly recommend to read the manual. The hint about the library is on page 10.

    Profile photo of unclejemimaunclejemima

    Fantastic! I suppose in the world of everything digital, a person has to go out their way to get the manual.

    Will give this a good read. The board is brand new for us, only a week old!

    Thank you 🙂

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